Manage clients and campaigns with manager accounts

Partner with a Google Ads expert to set up your first campaign
- We’ll get you up to speed on the latest platform updates
- We’ll design a media plan that makes the most of your budget
- We’ll help you launch your first campaign with hands-on guidance

Get started with manager accounts
Create a manager account
If you’re not signed in already, sign in using the email you’d like to use to manage your new manager account. You can use the same email address for up to 20 Google Ads accounts. -
Give your manager account a name
This is the name that your clients will see in their client account. -
Choose how you plan to use the account
You can use a manager account to manage your own Google Ads accounts, or to manage other people’s accounts with their permission.
Tools and campaigns that can help you meet your goals
Insights Page
Grow your business with insights and trends that are tailored to your business. -
Recommendations Page
Improve your campaign performance and efficiency with suggestions that are tailored to your needs -
Google Ads Mobile App
Stay connected to your campaigns on the go, monitor your campaigns in real-time, and take quick action to improve performance.
Frequently asked questions
A Google Ads Manager Account is a tool that saves time and effort for people who manage multiple accounts. It offers single sign-in access and an easy-to-use dashboard for managing multiple Google Ads accounts, including other Manager Accounts. It’s ideal for advertisers with more than one Google Ads account or agencies that manage multiple client accounts.
With a Manager Account, you can:
- Create and manage campaigns from any of your accounts
- Compare performance across accounts and run reports for multiple accounts at once
- Consolidate billing with monthly invoicing
- Create and link accounts
- Set up alerts for all your managed accounts
Learn more about Google Ads Manager Accounts by visiting the Manage Clients and Campaigns with Manager Accounts page.
To create a Google Ads Manager Account, sign into your account using the email you want to use for your new Manager Account. Click Create a manager account and enter a name for the new account. Then you’ll need to select your country, time zone, and whether you plan to manage your own or other people’s accounts. Finally, you’ll need to select a currency for your account.
Once you create your account, click Explore your account to get started using your new Manager Account. Learn more about how to get started by visiting the Manager Accounts (MCC): Create a Google Ads manager account page.
You can link accounts to your Manager Account by signing into your account and clicking on Sub-account settings. Then click the plus button to link existing accounts. Learn more about how to link Ad accounts to your Manager Account by visiting the Manager Accounts (MCC): Link accounts to your manager accounts page.