Final Cut Pro User Guide
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Here’s everything you need to know about Final Cut Pro, straight from Apple. This definitive guide helps you get to know the features and controls in Final Cut Pro, and learn how to accomplish both basic and advanced tasks using the app. Note: This guide is no longer being updated in Apple Books. For the latest guide, see https://support.apple.com/guide/final-cut-pro.

Avis d’utilisateurs
Pas de traduction en français???
un manuel enFRANÇAIS !!
Pour le prix exorbitant de ce soit disant super logiciel, ils auraient pu fournir un manuel en FRANÇAIS !!!
Apple killed itself
I’ve been using FCP since 3, it’s with big surprise they killed it ! Adobe copied and took over and the last FCP version is like a crap software looking like a modern stupid one.
I can’t figure it out. I’ll try the guide but honestly prefer using an older version.