Monday, April 6, 2020

FS News - March 2020

Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for March 2020.



For those who want to support further development of Flexible Survival, we do have a Patreon set up. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions every week, as well as character artwork or even a private project each month.



As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.


Anthony: The existing pics of the anteater have been upgraded to higher resolution.
Diavoborg Pre-Event: In the Dry Plains, a special variant of a Behemoth can be encountered while exploring, then followed around for some time. Get to know this mysterious beast before you're able to hopefully befriend him in the near future.
Diego: The pictures for Diego and FemDiego have been upgraded to higher resolution.
Doctor Matt: The good doctor's task to bring in Susan has been rewritten and expanded, now detailing some actual revelations instead of him just watching you do the naughty.
Ewe: The ewes have gotten a strategic makeover-shave and are ready to show a new side of themselves in some new artwork.
Fang: Fang can now be the player's second in command in addition to the already present Alpha and Omega paths. This includes some changes to his interactions with Carl, Amy, Alexandra, Helen, Xerxes, Velos, and Eric.
Katherine: You can now recruit one of the German Shepherd Bitches. Get to know her and discover a little bit about her past.
Leopardman: The leopardmen of the inner city are now proudly flashing you their spots with a new picture.
Monty: The initial encounter with Monty has been expanded on a bit. Also, you can now have a discussion about his sexual orientation with the black soldier in Camp Bravo, and he now has a sex menu with a first scene (blowing him).
Nelson: The zebra farmhand on the McDermott farm has risen to more prominence, now having a fully stocked sex menu. (His content is part of taking bad Alexandra to the farm.)
Ronda: The queen of the mall rats has gotten a new picture to her name, showing off her outfit for all to see.
Susan: The encounter with Susan has been adjusted a bit to go into more detail about her and her desires.


Araqiel: Some minor confusion in the walking directions for his initial event have been resolved.
Diego: A typo in his sex menu options has been resolved and they now should all be selectable again.
Eva: A bug that sometimes locked the sharkess out when you decline her invitation was fixed.
Guard Gryphon event: The full Blue Gryphon Herm TF was incomplete. Corrected that with gender and breast changes included.
Hyena Breakout Video: The Hyena Breakout Tape now plays correctly.


Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me.

Writer for Hire / Commissions


Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

FS Artwork

Here are examples of the new ingame artwork:

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

FS News - February 2020

Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for February 2020.



For those who want to support further development of Flexible Survival, we do have a Patreon set up. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions every week, as well as character artwork or even a private project each month.



As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.


Adam: New ways of sharing steamy affection in the showers after working out with the half-minotaur have been added.
Apocalypse Store: The Apocalypse store has gotten a bit of a rework, and a small addition of what you can find there.
Feral Gryphon: These mythical hybrids have gotten some nice pictures now.
Feral Wolf/Fang:  Fang can now be obtained without the need for sex. When offered a chance to tame him, just choose to do so non-sexually.
Giant: Reworked and expanded with additional scenes, including a possible cock vore scene on Submit (when fighting him) if the More Vore option is active. It is also intended for the fight to be nearly impossible, but easily avoidable (there is yet no special reward for beating him).
Hellfire Club: Now it is possible to have fun with Toron, the bartender of the club, depending on the time of the day. He prefers dominant players, and will not be interested in anyone submissive.
Hellfire Demon: The sexy crimson devils that roam around Red Light District's streets at night now have artwork to complement their flawless physique.
Jennifer: A naked picture of our favorite naked cheerleader is now available.
Koballoons: A new ending is available for players with twisted capacity.
Nelson: The option of giving the zebra stallion of the farm a blowjob has been added to his sex menu.
Otto Fuchs: After the doctor has been escorted to the Green Apartment, you can now encounter him upon entering the building, though things haven't gone quite as smoothly as originally thought...
Spike & Urik: The fitness training event chain between these two has been extended by a new event.
Sylvia: Added a timer so that you have to wait a day between taking Sylvia to collect samples. No longer will you be able to get an unlimited supply of water without progressing time.
The Purifier Angel: You'll first find him at the College Campus, punishing an incubus for bad behavior. If you have unlocked the Hellfire Club, Toron will offer assistance in capturing and corrupting the angel after you saw him once. Make sure you hunt for the "Purifier" on each location.
Urik: A new talk option for the big orc has been added, with you being able to ask him how he became an orc.


Ball Crush Attack: The damage output for this attack should now be increased, with less chance of runtime errors.
Boob Smother Attack: The damage output for this attack should now be increased enough to be useful.
Breeder Serum: You can't accidentally land yourself with indescribably big balls anymore now.
Chris: Some unexpected appearances of cereal (barley) in his sex scenes have been fixed.
Clothing: A small typo in the clothing functions has been resolved, and the game should now be able to tell properly if you're naked or not for your description.
Cock Slap Attack: The damage output for this attack should now be increased enough to be useful.
Diego: His changing genders should now be properly taken into account for the pronouns used in scenes. If anyone spots instances that might still have been missed, please report them.
Diego's Collar: His special collar will no longer vanish into thin air if you drop it.
Dominick: The beta doggy training will now actually give you a pussy with defined depth and girth capacity.
Dr. Matt: A few small typos have been fixed when helping him the first time.
German Shepherd Bitch: A typo with the doggies has been resolved, and they'll now be properly milking your dick.
Hellfire Club: It is now a proper Fast Travel option upon unlocking (right after submitting to a Hellfire Demon while wearing a Gimp Mask).
Hellhound: The hellhound infection should now have less strange texts. Also, the hellhound collar will now be an actual article of clothing you can't take off.
Larissa: A number of typos when fucking her have been resolved.
Leonard: The concert hall event should now be beatable, as intended.
Lucifer: Some unexpected appearances of cereal (barley) in his sex scenes have been fixed.
Lusty Skunk: She now only has one vulva, no longer multiple.
Moreau: The naga will now properly take you by the arm for his first tour of the store.
Sleeveless Shirts: The formerly nonexistantly thin shirts now are only "thin", fixing that little description error.
Spike: Some dog breed confusion for Spike has been resolved. He's a proper prebred dobie now.


Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me.

Writer for Hire / Commissions


Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

FS Artwork

Here are examples of the new ingame artwork:

Monday, February 10, 2020

FS News - January 2020

Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for January 2020.



For those who want to support further development of Flexible Survival, we do have a Patreon set up. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions every week, as well as character artwork or even a private project each month.



As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.


Alexandra: More fun is to be had with Alexandra at the farm now, as she'll introduce you to the zebra stud Nelson with whom she's had a lot of fun.
Dwarves: Raiding dwarven ruins was ought to bring consequences... After you've defeated the scavenger dwarf once while either he or you has the golden greathammer, new events will unfold.
Equipment: A huge update to clothing and equipment has been made in terms of adding new color options. A gender appearence or simply GA will decide your clothing appearence which will range from masculine, feminine, or unisex. These will eventually be incorporated into scenes to add variations and in certain cases confusion.
Equipment: Traits are now a thing with clothing and gear, while these won't alter your core character, they will eventually open up new ways for classic characters to react to you. The new Traits and GA are also viewable in the item description. Keep in mind that some traits will alter depending on feats or gender, ex: females may gain the cute trait, but males will gain the trap trait. Eventually the master/mistress and slave traits will also depend on the dominant and submissive trait.
German Shepherd: A new female counter-part to this enemy has been added and can be encountered during outside exploration.
Giraffe: The herm giraffes at the Stables Hotel have decided to show their spots - all of them, down to the ones on their big dicks. You'll get a full on view if you encounter them now.
Hellfire Club: A new NPC, Toron the Bartender, has been added, serving special drinks on the house. He's a demon with a lot of secrets, and will sometimes share them with you. Keep an eye out for him in future content.
J'Reth: Talking with the Draco-Mantis may now reveal a curiosity for gendershifting. Make sure that you have a nanite collector or are a researcher in order to help him fulfil this wish. Helping him will also unlock the ability to be a draco-mantis yourself.
Joanna: After the player has received her seed, the parasitic plant-girl will show interest in creating her own infection strain, and you might just be able to help her in this journey.
Koballoons: Some extra loss scenes now have a chance to trigger for players with Twisted Capacity.
Lindsey: The alpha wolftaur in the Zoo has gotten some snazzy new artwork to his name.
Mogdraz: The Hellfire Demon Boss now has two new repeatable sex scenes, and an introduction to a special slave sharing scene for dominant players.
Nelson: Previously seen mainly as part of the group of farmhand horsemen, Nelson the zebra is getting to be his own NPC now, once you've been introduced by Alexandra. So far, you can learn about his background and have fun milking him, but there's more to come soon...
Restrained Desire: This building used to be known as the pornstore and was turned into a home by everyone's favorite mousetaur Lisa, but things have taken a slight change, thanks to her sister she has learned the value of freecreds and is not afraid to make a profit while trying to survive. This store offers players roleplay costumes for purchase, but some of them are simply things she has encountered in the city. Keyword is "buyer beware".
TF Equipment Item: The cow-print cowboy hat has been added to Restrained Desire (formally known as the pornstore) This cowboy hat is perfect for any charmin' guy on the farm, be warned though that while this hat will help you embrace your inner cow-boi, it may have you squirtin' white stuff out of more than you would think.
TF Equipment Item: The cow-print cowgirl boots have been added to Restrained Desire (formally known as the pornstore) These cowgirl boots are covered in rhinestones and fringe, just what every good lil' milkmaid dreams of, however make sure people don't make you mooooon over them too much or you may find it a little hard to move around.
TF Equipment Item: The incubus biker helmet has been added to Restrained Desires (formally known as the pornstore) This helmet will help everyone become a predator of lust and begin their hunt under the cover of darkness.
TF Equipment Item: The orc loincloth has been altered by all the semen that those green brutes can't seem to contain. A word of warning even researchers may find that this item may alter them, maybe not by infection type, but by... size.
TF Equipment Item: The succubus biker helmet has been added to Restrained Desires (formally known as the pornstore). This helmet will help everyone embrace their inner demoness and release that vixen of the night that is just waiting to burst free.
TF Equipment Reward Item: In appreciation of Kernog's wonderful writing of Roman, two completely seperate rewards have been added to the conclusion of Roman's quest chain, each with their own infection type. Roman's gifted football helmet is the reward for helping him overcome his fears and change his teams views on gender. Roman's stolen football helmet is the reward for the darker route of betraying his trust and condeming him to a life decided by others.
The Pretty Kitty: The pretty kitty has now been transformed into a slightly different type of store with the introduction to the freecred system. While the old food option still exists for the bargain counter, a new route has been made available thanks to a shared friendship between both Andromeda and Larissa, pre-nanites. The mens and womens sections have been added, but the largest of the three sections, the unisex section will be added at a later date.
Urik & Spike: With the two of them hanging out more often, Urik eventually opens up and tells the lewd story of how he became an orc...
Wolftaurs: They roaming wolftaurs in the zoo now present their grey fur to anyone, proudly strutting onto your screen.
Xaedihr: If you're a male and bring him along when defeating a Hellfire Demon, there's a new way to have fun together with your demonologist companion.
Yamato Dragonesses: Like their male partners, these dragonesses have gotten some nice new artwork, and in three colors too.


Atticus: An erroneous linking had Atticus moving to the bunker and straight back again. This has been fixed now.
Clothing Shopping: The new clothing selections have been fixed, you will now be able to browse them to get various clothing items without any game-freezing bugs.
German Shepherd Bitch: Some confusion between an old version of the female german shepherds and the new enemy has been resolved. You will now be able to properly encounter them in the game.
Gorillas: The gorilla football players will now be able to be encountered again. Also, they'll properly recognize if someone isn't on their team (yet).
Hellfire Demon: The hellfire seed is now a proper drop item.
Import/Export: Players with excessive numbers of infection vials have experienced issues with restoring feats. This happens because the table that is supposed to save them gets clogged up with vials. I've upped the size of the table, which should mostly resolve the issue - but also, please throw some of the things away...
Paula: Her sex menu now has the typical "nevermind" escape option too.
Pretty Kitty: A small mis-linkage in the store has been resolved, imported characters should appear in the proper room now.
Restrained Desire: A small mis-linkage in the store has been resolved, imported characters should appear in the proper room now. Also, you will be able to navigate here now.
Spike & Urik: Some talk options for the two of them got mixed up and should be fixed now.


Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me.

Writer for Hire / Commissions


Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

FS Artwork

Here are examples of the new ingame artwork:

Monday, January 6, 2020

FS News - December 2019

Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for December 2019.



For those who want to support further development of Flexible Survival, we do have a Patreon set up. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions every week, as well as character artwork or even a private project each month.



As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.


Alexandra: A number of additional walk-in scenes have been added for when Alexandra is hanging out in the worker barracks in the farm. More to come on that front too...
Atticus: You can have a little adventure with Atticus, accompanying him in robbing - err, reposessing some sexy clothes from a demon. Lots of choices and possibility of fun times on the way.
Carnivorous Plant: There's a new event that can end with the player taking home a little fly-trap plant. With a little care and attention, it will make an interesting addition to the Abbey, with more content to come later.
Sea Dragon: These aquatic dragons now have some nifty new artwork, showing off their scales.
Spike: Spike and Urik can now work out together, with a number of additional scenes added this month.
Sylvia: The Border Collie student can now be found wandering around the city collecting biological samples. Her enthusiasm does mean that she isn't always aware of her surroundings though...
Wood Elf: Busty elven maidens in the forest have recently been photographed, and you can now look at their shapely forms.


Bottlenose Trapped image: The image wasn't showing up. Fixed that.
Brennan's Apartment: The rooms up there are now safe to rest in, with no risk of monster attack.
Denise: She's been set to the proper species now, able to create gryphon children.
Doctor Utah: If the player is a pureblood wereraptor and gets knocked up by Doctor Utah, the kids will now be purebloods rather than a mish-mash of random creatures.
Game Endings: Reworked the game endings system from ground up to make it easier to manage.
Notable changes:
- Gryphon Endings: If the player bad ended as a blue gryphon (e. g. the player became a breeding gryphon with Timothy) the normal gryphon endings will be skipped now. So the player won't get a courier job anymore after choosing to stay at Qytat forever.
- Kyrverth endings: Tiger Suit ending will now play correctly, if the player was a taur before using the suit.
- Latex Wolf: Split up the ending, since theres the chance, that the player dies or goes on a rampage during that end.
- Shifting: Some permanent forms or form changing curses (e. g. the wereraptor curse) should ignore the shifting ability.
Giraffe: An import fix for the Giraffe should prevent old misplaced giraffes from messing up new playthroughs.
Hellfire Demon: The drop items of these new demons have been fixed and should properly come into being now.
Korvin: He should now properly enable the collar stage of his content, no matter which order you do the previous events in.
Magic Drake: Now children of the Player should get the right form.
Vore and UB: In consistency with the vixentaurs, the player can now vore and UB dragontaurs and dracovixentaurs, too. Except Sam of course.


Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me.

Writer for Hire / Commissions


Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

FS Artwork

Here are examples of the new ingame artwork:

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

FS News - November 2019

Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for November 2019.



For those who want to support further development of Flexible Survival, we do have a Patreon set up. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions every week, as well as character artwork or even a private project each month.



As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.


Alexandra: After delivering Alexandra to the farm and giving her the 'Barracks Fucktoy' status, you can now walk into a gangbang involving her, with various options for how you want it to continue.
Brutus & Skarnoth: The second event for these two can be encountered by visiting the maintenance closet at least 3 turns after the first encounter. This will also serve as the prelude to the "Master of Hell" side-quest.
Dino Pack: More loss scenes are available for these tiny dinosaurs.
Evil Brutus: An alternate path to cleanse the demon brute is now available, prompted when walking towards the church with him as the current companion. It maintains the brute as a demon under the influence of Hell without being so hostile to the player.
Glowing Mushrooms: During an outside exploration, it is possible to encounter a shady stone construction featuring an especially large gargoyle sentry. You can only venture into his territory by shrinking to a mere few inches.
Hellfire Demon: These hot red devils now roam the streets of Red Light District at night, looking for candidates to bring to their mysterious master. They like fetish gear a lot...
Helot: The manservant of the spartan warriors has a few new events around the College Campus and the High Rise District.
J'Reth: The draco-mantis can now be propositioned for sex. Just make sure that he is in a good mood first.
Logan: There are more scenes to be had now for the player being pimped out by Logan.
Magic Drake: A pair of additional scenes can be found by saying no to pushing your limits, but only after trying it out a few times first.
Minotaur: The furry beasts now have all new artwork, showing off all their goods to you!
Mogdraz: Speaking of a mysterious master, he is also added to the game, introduced upon the player submitting to a hellfire demon while wearing a gimp mask.
Ogres: The Ogres have a few more scenes. Mostly stories told by Gurkes and two by Kogs and Mogs. They are open to two more sex scenes.
Satyress: The mythically transformed sorority girls can now really show you their boobs. Come and have a glance!
Spike: There's now some scenes that have Urik picking on Spike, goading him into training with the orc.
Warrior Chris: The more muscly version of your resitent orc beefcake has arrived, ready to show off his bod!


Christy: When the player is turned into a Slutty Dragoness or Horny Dragon, all breasts are removed as intended.
Denise: Sex scenes with Denise (the Gryphoness companion) should work now as intended and won't produce randomized bodyparts anymore.
Denise: Sex with her as a companion will now be randomized, if the player is a herm, aka: Player fucks Denise or Denise fucks Player at random.
Doberman Bitch Fur: Using this item now actually will infect you.
Game Over: A couple game overs (e. g. Lucifer's Mare) weren't always playing properly and the text displaying the game over reason, like *** You became a Wyvern's meal! *** was overwritten occasionally. This should be fixed now.
Korvin: From now on, you will only be prompted to find a collar for him if you have had all four of his interaction scenes.
Twisted Fruit Grove Bad End: QC for the final text before the game over playing and a game over message (The one in bold at the very end) added.


Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me.

Writer for Hire / Commissions


Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

FS Artwork

Here are examples of the new ingame artwork:

Monday, November 4, 2019

FS News - October 2019

Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for October 2019.



For those who want to support further development of Flexible Survival, we do have a Patreon set up. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions every week, as well as character artwork or even a private project each month.



As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.


Adam: The half-minotaur's sex menu is now complete with all the base virgin and fuck scenes.
Alexandra: You can now arrange for Alexandra to the farm for an extended stay, moving her to the Worker Barracks, and choose if she should lay with all of the men there, or only do so if you are present to watch. (More varied sex scenes to follow next month) Also, if she is present there will be new options in regards to Corbin, especially around the confrontation between him and the farmhands if his secret comes out.
Eva: The hungry, horny shark now has an oral vore scene available for later meetings with her.
Female Huskies: Losing a fight (or throwing it) is a lot more fun now with these sexy doggies, and choosing to take a bitch for a ride if you yourself win also got a nice expansion.
German Shepherd: The doggies wandering the streets of the inner city have gotten a new and fun fuck scene with men.
Hyena Cages: This small-ish event in the zoo has got a new coat of paint now, as well as a hidden video tape that shows what exactly happened then the feral hyenas broke out.
Spike & Tehuantl: There's two new scenes in the training / relationship between your dobie and (male) jaguarman companion now, which you can encounter when going up to the first floor of the library. Also, you can talk about the jaguarman with Spike.
Spike: Once you're sexually active with him, you can now ask Spike for a sample of his cum.
Sub Male Onyx: Two new ways of messing around with the submissive male stud have been added.
The Pack: One of the patrols for The Pack came across an untouched warehouse, the contents of which are unknown. If all goes well you should be able to get inside before too many other parties take notice of it.


Alexandra (Good): The player should no longer be sent back to the police station with the stragglers if it is no longer a valid location.
Alexandra / Amy: An interaction between bad Alexandra and Amy will now only play for bad Alexandra, not the good girl version.
Beach Detector Site: A typo that was preventing dragons from properly appearing in the event has been resolved.
Chinchillas: Calls for fighting them by a slightly wrong name in the code are now resolved, so you should be getting a fight, not an error there.
Christy: Offspring of the player and Christy should now be pureblood dragons if the player is a pureblood Slutty Dragoness or Horny Dragon too.
Dewey Books: The library books will now give you the proper amount of XP.
Diego: Doing his collar quest will now properly remove male/herm preferred feats.
Diego: Having the collar put on by Hunter after losing to him will now allow you to progress with the next event when coming back to Diego with it on.
Doctor Mouse: A typo when he confronts Candy is now resolved.
Empty Variables: A number of old unused variables has been removed.
Feats: Doctor Matt was accidentally counting fun feats against the gained feats of the player, which he won't do from now on. (Though you still only get one feat every 3 levels)
Feats: The possibility of gaining duplicate feats should now be greatly reduced.
Felinoid Heat: The felinoid heat will no longer show you messages regarding a pussy if you do not have one.
Football Team Tape: A number of typos have been resolved in this tape.
Francois Infections: The checks, if the player is cheesecakeskinned/-bodied should work now.
Hawkman: A small error in their sex saftermath functions has now been resolved.
Herm Gryphon: A typo in their milking scenes has been resolved.
Huge Infections: You can now appreciate your own size properly, without a missing word in there.
Hunger: A small typo made the player's hunger not increase in some cases. This has now been fixed.
Inner Predator: The event will no longer give out duplicate Vore Predator feats.
Item Cheating: A mix-up with the debug commands regarding items has been resolved.
Jaguar Warrior: Hunting Jaguars in the museum should work without issues now.
Junkman: A small error in the skin transformation message has been resolved.
Kai: Talking to the surfer will from now on no longer count as having sex with him.
Libido Pills: You can now only give pills to people if you actually have them.
Library Interactions: The occurrence chance for NPC interactions has been lowered a litte.
Lost Chick: The status of this event will in the future be properly restored after an import.
Nemean Lion: This kitty will now be somewhat more selective about what hole to fuck on a herm.
Orthas: You can now actually choose which seed she uses to impregnate herself.
Plains Scavenging: A small typo in the event has been resolved.
Predator's Club Night: This event should no longer be able to come up before you met Kurt.
Safe Appetite: The feat now unlocks with UB Predator as well.
Screen Clearing: Numerous screen clears in the middle of talk/sex menus haven been removed.
Self-Impreg: Now the player's internal variables should be properly set when you perform this naughty act.
Slut Rats: There's now a bold hint that you need a slut rat body to rally the slutrats for an attack on the pool hall.
Slut Wanderer: From now on, the event will be resolved and not reoccur if you express disinterest and just leave.
Sonny: He's found his prostate now, fixing a small typo in a scene.
Timothy: Dropped a metric ton of line breaks into the scenes for this gryphon NPC.
UB Predator: Gaining Vore Predator is no longer a requirement to gain the Unbirthing ability
Vore Predator: Hunger for smaller sized players will increase less and voring will reduce hunger based on the size difference now.
Yamato Dragon: The dragon endings will now take the player's actual body size into consideration.


Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me.

Writer for Hire / Commissions


Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

FS Artwork

Here are examples of the new ingame artwork:

Monday, October 7, 2019

FS News - September 2019

Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for September 2019.



For those who want to support further development of Flexible Survival, we do have a Patreon set up. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions every week, as well as character artwork or even a private project each month.



As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.


Ancient Tentacles: The Tentacle Beast can now be summoned at anytime, being able to take the player in two different ways. If you have Xaedihr nearby, he might help you counter the demonic tentacles' unpredictability.
Diego: You can now deliver the special collar to Diego that he wanted you to get, and maybe try it on too if you trust the coyote enough.
Dwarves: You can now explore the collapsed tunnel where you find the roaming dwarf scavenger after you meet him. He also comes with an additional submit scene.
Help Book: There is now a book in the library to give new players (or anyone) some help at the beginning. Should you tire of it, you can banish it from existence.
J'Reth: The draco-mantis in the mall now has a talk menu, and you can visit him in his room.
Landon: The next event can be encountered on Athletic Street for the goldie, however whether you are naked or not and your gender will alter the scene.
Magic Drake: A new bad end is available in the bigger is better path.
Monty: The lone soldier you can meet out in the city will now return to Camp Bravo if his "transport mission" comes to a sudden end. There's some fun to be had with him, as well as an informative trip to visit Doctor Matt.
Rod: The cool rat hanging out in the mall has gotten a brand new outfit to his name.
Xaedihr: Now it is possible to initiate a submissive route with the half-demon sorcerer if he's in good terms with a submissive player. You must have had sex at least once and talked to him about it a couple of times in order to trigger the scene.
Yamato Dragon: The Yamato Dragon is now ready to dazzle your eyes with his majestic form.


Butterfly: Some variables of the butterfly child weren't being set so that these caused Run-time errors, when listing player children.
Feral Mutts: Sucking one of them off does no longer take anal virginity.
Infection Lists updated: Updated the Infection lists for various monsters and corrected a few issues.
    Notable changes:
    - Completed the FireBreathList, so that the player can now breath fire without taking damage if he's on that list.
    - Wyverns now occasionally breath fire.
    - Filled out the OviImpregnatorList.
Other: Scenes, that unequip a weapon now correctly set all weapon values to melee. (Rare and minor issue)
Player UB: If Oviposition is set to standard it now depends on the players infection, if the UBed creature becomes an egg or not.
Training Room: A workout in the campus gym will now make you thirsty and hungry instead of the reverse.
Wereraptor Curse: The players stats won't go out of bounds anymore after accepting the wereraptor curse.


Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me.

Writer for Hire / Commissions


Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

FS Artwork

Here are examples of the new ingame artwork: