Monday, January 27, 2014

Requests Pt 1

We've got a batch of updates coming in for our generous donators.  To minimize the delay, the content's being added in parts for those larger requests, allowing you all to get a taste of what's to come.

Down Under Pub: There's now a series of scenes possible with the serving girl.  Once you've had fun with her a few times, she'll even invite you up to her place.  Also increased odds of getting her or the floor show when you visit.
Kristen: This human girl's looking for someone when she runs into trouble.  Try FindingKristen to run into her during her time of need.
Salamander: The female hotties are now roaming around the Capitol Bldg area.

Lilith: More threesomes and interactions.  On top of some more threesomes w/Brutus, there's fun between her and a Retriever girl she's found, which you can opt to either watch or join in on.

Writer For Hire update:
  • Leonard/Artemis (1.25/6)
  • P.I.G. Frat (5/6)
  • D6: Varied F (5.5/11)
  • D6: New F NPC (4.5/10)
  • D6: Athanasia+ (3.5/14) 
  • Amy/Soldier Squad (0/3) - Wahn
  • Margay (0/5)
  • Alexandra (0/10) 
  • Otter NPC (0/4)
  • Orc Raiders (0/4) - Wahn
  • Wrestling Philip Variant (0/1) - Wahn

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A pair of huskies

Having recently gotten back these commissions, I thought I'd share em here on the blog.

First up is Amy the husky, drawn by the talented Sususmiles on Furaffinity:

And then there's Carl, drawn by Hufnaar's skilled hand (he's also on Furaffinity):

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Content News

And we're back with another update on the new content that's been added to the game.  This time, we've got:

Artemis: A few more modded additions have been added, with another engulfment variation and some kinky additions to go along with her kinkier modifications (appearing randomly).
Hayato: The first portion dealing with the Oni Lair has been released.
Phi Iota Gamma: It is now possible to return to the pig-infested Frat House and try to join up... except you'll need a senior member to vouch for you. 

Philip: You can now wrestle with the big piggy in the mud.
Orc: Orcs have appeared in the Capitol Bldg area, so beware of these big, green ravagers.
Lilith: Some threesome action with Evil Elijah is now available. 

Bottlenose Toy: A new breast enlargement loss scene.  Note: Only possible if your breasts aren't already above their breast size limit. 

Writer For Hire update:
  • Leonard/Artemis (1.25/6)
  • P.I.G. Frat (5/6)
  • D6: Varied F (1/11)
  • D6: New F NPC (0/10)
  • D6: Athanasia+ (0/14) 
  • D6: Lilith 3somes (3/11) - Wahn
  • Amy/Soldier Squad (0/3) - Wahn
  • Margay (0/5)
  • Alexandra (0/10) 
  • Otter NPC (0/4)
  • Orc Raiders (0/4) - Wahn
  • Wrestling Philip Variant (0/1) - Wahn

Sunday, January 12, 2014

D6 Campaign Closed

With an overwhelming response, the Double-D Double-Down Donation Drive is over with a bunch of very large projects paid for and now in the works.  Thanks to everyone who donated and an extra-big thanks to Alexandra for donating the $300 to make this campaign possible.  With so much on the way, we'll be working hard to get them all out for you as soon as possible.  I'll be pretty busy with writing for a while, but Wahn and Blue Bishop are still available for more requests.

Writer For Hire update:
  • Leonard/Artemis (1.25/6)
  • More Hayato (0/3)
  • P.I.G. Frat (0/6)
  • Orcs (1/6) - Wahn
  • Female Double-Down - closed
  • D6: Varied F (0/11)
  • D6: New F NPC (0/10)
  • D6: Athanasia+ (0/14) 
  • D6: Lilith 3somes (0/11) - Wahn
  • Amy/Soldier Squad (0/3) - Wahn
  • Margay (0/5)
  • Alexandra (0/10)

D6 Update

Double-D Double-Down Update

The donation drive has been going very well, with several fans snatching up the opportunity to request some big projects.  Because of this, it's already well on its way to completion, with only $75 remaining in the pool.  That's enough for another 5 hours worth of boosting.  That's still enough to be shared up into a couple of good-sized additions or one big one.  I'd also suggest commissioning something from Wahn so he can share in the benefit.  He'll also have a faster turnaround time than I will by this point, so you'll see your request all the sooner.  He's got some possible ideas in the comments to the previous posting or tackle something else you'd like.

Take advantage of this opportunity while it's still available and get something you want added to the game for essentially half-price.

Writer For Hire update:
  • Leonard/Artemis (1.25/6)
  • More Hayato (0/3)
  • P.I.G. Frat (0/6)
  • Female Double-Down remaining - closed
  • D6: Varied F (0/11)
  • D6: New F NPC (0/10)
  • D6: Athanasia+ (0/14)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Female Content Donation Drive

Double-D Double-Down Donation Drive

We have received a very intriguing proposal from a very unlikely source.  Alexandra, the Doberwoman cop, would like to see more females in the game and is willing to put her money where her muzzle is.  Gathering up all the freecreds from the tickets she's issued in the game, she'll match anyone's donation for content centered on a female NPC/critter/event/threesome, new or expansion.  She will provide a maximum of $75 (5 hours) towards any one project and has a total of $300 (20 hours) she's willing to put towards this donation drive.  Donations towards her own project should not be made, as arrangements for that have already been made.

1. The challenge will run over two weeks.
2. During that period, Alexandra will double-up on contributions of other commissioners towards */F content (see 6 and 7).  This means that each hour worth of donation towards such a project will be matched with an equal donation (and hours) from Alexandra, essentially giving the commissioner double the time for their money.
3. Each individual project can receive up to 5 hours ($75) worth of boosting from Alexandra to ensure some variety in requests.  Donations about this amount are welcome and will still get 5 added hours.
4. Alexandra will donate up to an overall maximum of $300 for such boosting during this period.
5. Alexandra will cover the boosting once every day and attempt to do so at the same time. This will help keep the tally running so fans know if they can still get a boost.
6. Any project qualifies as long as the main focus and content is towards a female NPC/critter/event/whatever.  If some M or H components are incidentally included or necessary to advance the story of the female content, that's fine.  Similarly, a threesome with a female character and a character of another gender is allowable provided the female is the main focus.
7. To be clear: The content requirement is for 'player + female' and not 'female player' content.   Similarly, it is for females only, so no herms or cuntboys for this. 
8. The donation requests can be made to any of the active Writer for Hire devs.
9. Alexandra has no approval control or input whatsoever over any commissioned content that meets the accepted criteria.  She will take what comes.

If you're unsure how much donation time goes into making your request, I've resurrected a pricing guide from the old forums.  Please be aware that a typical new character/monster can be done well for as little as 4-6 hours, so even a small donation from you, when boosted, will allow for your request to be created.  If it's shared around, we can get a lot of variety out of this generous offer.

Writer For Hire update:
  • Leonard/Artemis (0/6)
  • More Hayato (0/3)
  • P.I.G. Frat (0/6)
  • Female Double-Down remaining - closed
  • Varied F (0/11)
  • New F NPC (0/10)

Incubus Artwork

Hi everyone, I thought I'd share a bit of artwork I got in not too long ago. So here's a picture of one of the many incubi roaming the city, as drawn by LittleTwinkle over on Y-Gallery. (You can click on him to get a bigger image too.)


And with my work of inserting some naughty pics in the blog now done, back to the regular sceduled posts by Stripes.