Friday, August 17, 2012


Again, we've got lots of new stuff since our last update.  General stuff include more MPreg activation, saving for Diego and Eric, and loads of typos and little fixes.  Larger items include:

Leonard now has a task for you to help him with.  If you and he get well enough acquainted, he'll ask you bring up a small request.  EDIT: This portion should be working properly now and I've put in a proper new sex scene for your special reward.

Defeat sex:  M/M with the Wrestling Wolf is now possible, but may take a few attempts before it randomly starts up.  Also added a small bit to the City Sprites for the MPreg guys while working on something else.

EDIT: Victory Sex:  We've got some proper player victory scenes for the Satyr and the Greek Nymph at the Museum.  These scenes could start to show up randomly (with an increasing likelihood) from your third victory onward, with your libido as a factor.  The Satyr one even uses the selection table method you've seen before since it comes with numerous options.

Kaleem's got a bunch of new stuff and more repairs made to his content from Omio and more content dealing with his other stuff.  It seems there are some sexy firemen to help, now.

And last but not least, we've got an old, dear friend back at the Mall.  It's waiting to feel your warm hands on it once more so you both can do what you do best together - knock heads!

Writer For Hire update:
  • MPreg (3/3) - more activation time needed
  • More Leonard (5/5) 
  • More M/M (3/3) - unspecified
  • Bonus Hours (6/6) - Victory/Loss Sex

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sweet Victory and Crushing Defeat

We've got some new stuff for you guys to enjoy, foremost being the addition of some new victory and defeat sex improvements.  And don't worry, there's still more to come.  Here's a quick summary:
Herm Hyena: Defeat: A male player can now opt for either oral or anal.  Victory: A herm/female character may be driven by lust to ride the hyena's cock.
Bear: Defeat: Restructured the scenes order to provide more variety of sex and prevent blank outcomes.  Added an F/F oral variation.  Some design notes about benefits to losing also activated.
Gazelle: Victory: You are now able to catch every third gazelle before she can escape.  Options to fuck (if male), be fucked or leave available.
Jaguar: Victory: Option of play with defeated orderlies if your libido is 50+ (or 25+ if you're any kind of feline).  Choices are to fuck (if male), be fucked (sex or oral), or leave.

I've also updated the detection for canines and felines.  This is used mainly in the Veterinary Hospital, but also for a couple of spots like the feline detection for the Jaguar.  It's mostly behind the scenes background stuff, but it will keep things more accurate and presents another option we can use when writing.

Kaleem's added a Pegasus creature to his Warehouse District.  Be warned, it's quite powerful.  The first part of Omio's content has been reworked and added back into the game as well.  We're going to try building the other pieces back into it in stages to get it running properly this time.

Wahn's produced another pair of small events involving some more sexual escapades involving soldiers.

More MPreg content's been readied, with several more creatures and NPCs manning up to the job of getting you guys using that feat preggers.  Lots of files were updated, so it's too many to list here.

Also, the work queue is coming along nicely, so if anyone out there wants to donate to help keep the game running, your ideas should get worked on in a timely manner.

Writer For Hire update:
  • MPreg (3/3) - more activation time needed
  • More Leonard (0/5) 
  • More M/M (1.75/3) - unspecified
  • Bonus Hours (3.5/6) - Victory/Loss Sex

Friday, August 10, 2012

Ladies' Night

This Friday Night at FS is Ladies' Night!

Our sexy dolphin girls are popular, having set up a fun floating palace for the buoyant babes to play in.  They've found a fine Vixen girl and invited her to join them.  You should go check it out before the foxy lady joins them permanently.

EDIT: GentlemanB's come along an provided me with an improved version of the bad ending scene for the dolphin suit on the beach, which I then converted to use for all of the bad endings involving them.

Also back and extra hot is the sexiest policewoman on the block.  The Doberman policewoman is back with more sexy fun.  Just get her warmed up and see how much more fun she'll start to become.  Just watch out, she's also getting more strict in her patrols, watchful for players looking to make trouble by bringing in contraband weapons.

So everyone remember to come on down to FS for Ladies Night!  It's the hottest club around.  You won't ever be the same again - Literally!

Writer For Hire update:
  • MPreg (3/3) - more activation time needed
  • Doberman Cop - (3/3)
  • More Leonard (0/5) 
  • More M/M (0/3) - unspecified
  • Bonus Hours (0/6) - Victory/Loss Sex

Bonus Poll Closed

With the poll for the bonus hours closed for this month, it looks like it was a very tight race this time.  While several items all pulled in at roughly 12%, the Victory Sex and Defeat Sex were almost tied to win.  As such, we'll be splitting the 6 hours between them more or less equally.  This should provide plenty of sexy times for everyone's satisfaction.  The results have been saved in this forum post.

And to help with this, we'd like to hear back from you on which monsters out there do you think could use some touching up with their victory/defeat sex scenes.  Please understand that this won't be a matter of popular vote, but instead a means for me to see what gaps or needs may exist.  With something like this, its best to follow my inspiration... but nothing says you can't point out spots for me to look for that inspiration.

Stuff you might suggest include:
- Old scenes in need of sprucing up
- Creatures lacking victory/defeat sex
- Creatures lacking M/M, M/F or F/F fun
- An alternative player surrender variation
- A new sex scene with a creature (alternating/randomly/high libido/etc...)
- Special variations based on other conditions (infection/item/time of day, etc...)
and so on...

Put forth your ideas in the comments.  Please keep the comments short though, just a few words to say which creature(s) and what you'd like to see done.  As well, please don't ask for anything too elaborate or lengthy, as we're looking to add simple improvements to several creatures instead of making a fancy improvement on just one or two.  We also saw some people submitting creature scenes last month, so perhaps someone else will be inspired to write something suitable for an idea you put forth even if Nuku and I don't write one up based on it.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Guy Stuff

We've got some big, manly updates for manly men who like men.

First up is the new MPreg feat - only for hardcore tough guys.  Show those girls that you're man enough to be a parent by literally having babies while still being all man.  Please note, only a little of the game's content has manned up enough to do its part in getting you preggers.  More time towards this is still needed, so be sure to chip in.

Next up we've got a manly dude you can meet at the College Campus who needs your help.  Eric's got a guy problem and could really use some manly help.

We also have fixed Elijah up so he can man it up with you even if you're playing with no girls allows.

Yeahhhh!  Menergy!


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Ronda's Plan and Doberwoman Cop

We've got two more Writer for Hire pieces in and done, ladies, gentleman and others.

First, Ronda's got plans of her own when you try to rescue her from her Slut Rat fate.  The sex is rather limited after it's all over, but if people want more fun, there's plenty of room for it.  That goes for both the Mall Rat and Slut Rat outcomes.

Second, we have a new creature running around.  There's a Doberman policewoman out fighting against the chaos in the city.  She's got some new mechanics and the donator responsible has provided me with more ideas, so if people donate time to her, you can get her fleshed out more as well.

And just as a reminder for how the Writer for Hire works, if you want to donate towards supporting the game, we would greatly appreciate that.  To show this appreciation (the game needs servers and we need food), we will provide an hour of work on an idea/project of your choice for every $15 donated.  The overall donations as also what's used to figure out the month's bonus hours.  So: $15/hour to get something added to the game.

Want more fun with foxes/kitties/whatever?  Want another sex scene for an NPC?  Want to have sex with the restored Ronda or with Rod?  Want to see an option for M-Preg added to the game?  Any other sexy fun ideas you may have?  You donate, and we'll work towards it.  Now's the time, since the docket's almost cleared.  Some restrictions apply.  Not recommended for players under the age of i.  Offer not valid in the Prussia, Scythia and Atlantis.  A skill testing question is required.

Writer For Hire update:
  • Bottlenose Toy Quest (0/10) 
  • MPreg (3/3) - more activation time needed
  • Doberman Cop - (0/3)
  • More Leonard (0/5) 
  • no-girl Elijah (1/1)
  • Bonus Hours (0/6) - TBD

Friday, August 3, 2012

July Bonus Hour Poll

The poll refuses to pose, so here's a workaround. Vote!