Sunday, November 12, 2023

FS News - October 2023

Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for what was written/added during October 2023.


For those who want to support further development of Flexible Survival, we do have a Patreon set up. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions, as well as character artwork or even added content of your choice every month.


As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.

Engine Work

Due to the fact that FS recently overtaxed the Inform engine once more, until we thankfully got a fix from the nice developers over there, the decision has been made to port FS to a new platform. Efforts have been started to put together a new version in the more timely engine Godot. For the foreseeable future, FS will still run in Inform and additional updates are coming out for that, but we've got people working on something new and shiny at the same time.


Augustus: A stern, somewhat cynical survivor with a soft spot for cats found at the Last Chance Motel. Drake can be transformed against his will with the help of his lover. Just don’t expect him to be happy about it. Current pairing: when transformed F/M with an extra scene for taurs. Baseline Drake has no scenes, yet. [Sundered_Dragon]
Ava: Abandoned at birth by an unknown feral, Ava has wandered the city looking for her father with only the markings on her baby blanket to guide her. City life has been hard for this poor little kitten, and Ava fled to dry plains where she was adopted by Drake and Kathy. She now resides in Auto body situated in the Last Chance. Ava’s scenes are, at the moment, almost entirely built for female taurs and generally require one to ‘accept’ her transformation. [Sundered-Dragon]
Janaz: The player's feral son with Kal Ren. Choosing to interact with him in a softer manner opens a few scenes.
Kal Ren: An extended Mpreg scene resulting in the start of a new NPC. Only works on the "win" route. Requires some time spent under Kal Ren. [Voidsnaps]
Kathy: A spoiled lioness living at the Last Chance Hotel in room 020 who claims she’s been uplifted by the nanites, if such a thing were possible. She’s looking for a malleable person to help her change her lover to a more assertive mate, but can you trust her? Her content supports F/F with minor M/F and H/F elements, bonus scenes for female taurs or Players with long tails. [Sundered_Dragon]
Last Chance Motel: A new area in the dry plains, found through the event Only the Lonely. The Last Chance can only be accessed after the Player has started Matt’s quest for the unusual creature in the state Park. Alternatively, if you’re playing on forgotten, completing Dr. Mouse’s first quest will activate the event. [Sundered-Dragon]  
Stallionboi: The sexy stallionboi has received 3 new victory scenes. [Fuxi]
Swamp Goblin: A new monster encounter in the swamps! Special scene for especially well-hung players. [Voidsnaps]

Bugfixes & Balance Patches

Combat Seduction: Enemies that end up at exactly 100 Libido should now also show the proper loss scenes.
Helen: Her possible sex scene with a sand man should now be working properly.
Leonard: His new storyline should now be working properly.

Upcoming/In the Works

These are projects and commissions that our writers are committed to, something for you to look forward for the future.

Urik: Some new scenes for the big orc daddy are coming soon, putting him in a dominant position with the player character (after you've befriended him, so not in an "I'm taking over" way). [Wahn]
Bastet: The sexy lioness is up for an expansion of her content soon. [Wahn]
Carl: Further updates of Carl's content in the aftermath of the gritty soldier squad reboot are underway. [Wahn]

Commission Opportunities

Various pre-made commission opportunities from various writers are available, to continue the content of their creations that is already in game, or to add something completely new. Please check out the FS Discord, and the "commission-possibilites" channel in the Singleplayer section.

Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me. 
Note: We now also have someone doing coding support for those who just want to write, so you won't have to worry about that side of things too much if you can't wrap your head around it.

Writer for Hire / Commissions

Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Crossover Fun!

We've teamed up with the folks over here to get Nermine, our jackal friend, in their game. How fancy is that! You could have her, if you play. Of course, you could join any time, using that lovely link there. Just a neat thing between Puppet Nightmares and us. Have fun! Note: Nermine is being offered for a limited time, so grab her up while you can. Art done by the talented ABD.

Friday, October 13, 2023

FS News - September 2023

Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for what was written/added during September 2023.


For those who want to support further development of Flexible Survival, we do have a Patreon set up. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions, as well as character artwork or even added content of your choice every month.


As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.

Engine Work

Due to the fact that FS recently overtaxed the Inform engine once more, until we thankfully got a fix from the nice developers over there, the decision has been made to port FS to a new platform. Efforts have been started to put together a new version in the more timely engine Godot. For the foreseeable future, FS will still run in Inform and additional updates are coming out for that, but we've got people working on something new and shiny at the same time.


Carl: Continuing with the gritty reboot of the soldier squad, Carl's intro into the library has been reworked, with more content between him and yourself instead of just dropping off the npc straight away. If you already have Carl in your import, you can talk to him to replay the arrival in the library and the choice to be made there. [Wahn]
Colleen: Colleen can now be kept as human when you stay with her to treat her wounds as part of the "Strike From the Deep" event as long as there is enough anti-nanite spray left. (No sexual content yet.) [Prometheus]
Colleen: Sane Husky Colleen may now be interested in a little harmless sexual fun. All you have to do is ask. [Prometheus]
Leon: Expanded and reworked. A vast slew of typos have been fixed, and 5 and a half new scenes have been added, including a new and improved bad end!
Stallionboi: The girly horse lads have new oral and CV loss scenes. [Fuxi]
Tehuantl: The sexy jaguarwoman has gotten some nice new artwork to show off. [Wahn]

Bugfixes & Balance Patches

Daphne: Light Typo Fix

Upcoming/In the Works

These are projects and commissions that our writers are committed to, something for you to look forward for the future.

Bastet: A new expansion of Bastet's content is planned. [Wahn]
Carl: A rework for Carl is in the works, to update him to the current realities of the soldier squad event. [Wahn]
Colleen: More for Colleen after she has transformed while remaining sane. [Prometheus]
Swamps: A brand new area with new enemies! Will start off relatively small, but should become larger over time! Commissions available if you have a specific idea! [Voidsnaps]
Urik: A "dominant daddy" scene for Urik towards the player is in the works. [Wahn]

Commission Opportunities

Various pre-made commission opportunities from various writers are available, to continue the content of their creations that is already in game, or to add something completely new. Please check out the FS Discord, and the "commission-possibilites" channel in the Singleplayer section.

Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me. 
Note: We now also have someone doing coding support for those who just want to write, so you won't have to worry about that side of things too much if you can't wrap your head around it.

Writer for Hire / Commissions

Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

FS Artwork

Here are examples of the new ingame artwork:

Sunday, September 10, 2023

FS News - August 2023

Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for what was written/added during August 2023.


For those who want to support further development of Flexible Survival, we do have a Patreon set up. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions, as well as character artwork or even added content of your choice every month.


As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.

Engine Work

Due to the fact that FS recently overtaxed the Inform engine once more, until we thankfully got a fix from the nice developers over there, the decision has been made to port FS to a new platform. Efforts have been started to put together a new version in the more timely engine Godot. For the foreseeable future, FS will still run in Inform and additional updates are coming out for that, but we've got people working on something new and shiny at the same time.


Alexandra (Good): You can now observe as Alexandra, Paula, Jimmy, and Penelope get a bit of exercise in. [Prometheus]
Altus: You can now have penetrative sex with Altus when he is needy. Both giving and receiving. [Prometheus]
Angelo: The latin lover of the satyr frat has further content, in which you can push him to start transforming into a satyr. (Up to growing a tail and hooves+furry legs now.) [Wahn]
Ariel: Save a strange mute girl from her prison in the Urban Forest. Then as her feelings for you deepen, help her find a way to act on them. [Emerald]
Baron: New iguana shaman in the lizardman village. Will have item quests later. For now he's open to fun with those with the right equipment! (neuter npc) [Voidsnaps]
Capybara: Muddy big boy wants to wrestle. [Voidsnaps]
Daphne: The campus nymph has gotten some nice new artwork and another expansion of her written content. [Fuxi]
Gwen: Gwen, the third soldier in the squad protecting Meredith can no return from her secret mission , along with the option to nudge her transformation towards centaur or succubus. Comments from other squad members' comments should reflect this.(Requires Hazel to be at the library.)
J'Reth: J'Reth's friends now comment a bit should the draco-mantis be female. [Prometheus]
Kosk: The gateguard to the lizardman village. Get on his good side to unlock some exhibitionist scenes and access to the village! [Voidsnaps]
Raymond: Expanded for submissive players who allow themselves to fully become his infection. Quest start is in but leads nowhere yet. [Voidsnaps]
Segis: The draconic android has received another couple of new scenes, mutual masturbation and foot worship. Additionally, his oral and fucking scenes were slightly edited to reflect both his currently available personalities and some of his upgrades. [Gherod]
Sinking Swamps: New explorable area! Sinking Swamps. Includes 3 new enemies, 3 new npcs, and an exploration event. More will be added over time! [Voidsnaps]
Sitatunga: Swamp antelope male and female variants! Unique scenes for each.[Voidsnaps]
Suspicious Package: Tentacle content in the swamps. Eggs for one gender, fun for the other.  [Voidsnaps]
Uram: Sinking Swamp's resident daddy orog (orc variant. Male lactation included!). [Voidsnaps]

Bugfixes & Balance Patches

Callidora: Callidora's first event should now trigger properly now that it's completion isn't a preqrequisite for it activating in the first place.
Colleen: Colleen should now be able to talk about Gwen.
Football Wolfmen: Septus should again become inaccessible (as planned) if you go down certain routes of the questline.
Frank: He should now again infect with the right infection.
Hellish Trashpile Event: The imp in this event won't refer to Skarnoth anymore.
Lux & Umbra: Lux and Umbra's growing up is now tracked differently and should carry over between versions.
Pregnancy and Birth: The "special" NPC children should not overlap with feral births caused by the "Wild Womb" feat anymore.

Upcoming/In the Works

These are projects and commissions that our writers are committed to, something for you to look forward for the future.

Bastet: A new expansion of Bastet's content is planned. [Wahn]
Carl: A rework for Carl is in the works, to update him to the current realities of the soldier squad event. [Wahn]
Colleen: More for Colleen after she has transformed while remaining sane. [Prometheus]
Swamps: A brand new area with new enemies! Will start off relatively small, but should become larger over time! Commissions available if you have a specific idea! [Voidsnaps]
Urik: A "dominant daddy" scene for Urik towards the player is in the works. [Wahn]

Commission Opportunities

Various pre-made commission opportunities from various writers are available, to continue the content of their creations that is already in game, or to add something completely new. Please check out the FS Discord, and the "commission-possibilites" channel in the Singleplayer section.

Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me. 
Note: We now also have someone doing coding support for those who just want to write, so you won't have to worry about that side of things too much if you can't wrap your head around it.

Writer for Hire / Commissions

Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

FS Artwork

Here are examples of the new ingame artwork:

Monday, August 7, 2023

FS News - July 2023



Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for what was written/added during July 2023.



For those who want to support further development of Flexible Survival, we do have a Patreon set up. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions, as well as character artwork or even added content of your choice every month.



As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.

Engine Work

Due to the fact that FS recently overtaxed the Inform engine once more, until we thankfully got a fix from the nice developers over there, the decision has been made to port FS to a new platform. Efforts have been started to put together a new version in the more timely engine Godot. For the foreseeable future, FS will still run in Inform and additional updates are coming out for that, but we've got people working on something new and shiny at the same time.


Altus: Leave the gyr-wolf gryphon without sex for too long, and he may become desperate (and a little more pliable to not being in control). (Currently only oral scenes, but penetrative sex will come soon.) [Prometheus]
Bernard: As usual, Bernard has built up quite a sweat and you may now encounter him while showering. This will give you the chance to talk to him and potentially get your hands/face on his towel briefly. [Prometheus]
Darius: Our dear Dalmatian has got a new image to his name, this one for when you have him blissed out on his sofa. Further, the options of what you can do with him have been expanded, giving you several new fun things to try. (Some require equipment you can get from Lisa in the porn store.) [Wahn]
Davies: The "start" of the husky infection in the soldier squad event has got some new artwork to her name, reflecting Davies's looks and expressions in how it plays out. Further pictures with various clothes are prepared for happier times to come in the future.
Hazel: A strange sight in the city, you may encounter an uninfected human fleeing from a group of orc slavers. Fortunately for her, her salvation is at hand. [Prometheus]
Hunger/Thirst Visibility: The code for eating and drinking has been updated, giving you extra status message about losing hunger/thirst points. Accidental overshoots into negative values should also be a thing of the past. [Wahn]
Jett: The werewolf brute has now received a new artwork to show off his respectable size in all its splendor. Furthermore, he has received a bit of an overhaul, including a review of his already existing content. You can choose to pleasure the alpha right at his throne with a couple of scenes, and gain access to the more intimate scenes after "gifting" him. Currently, he has gained 3 additional sex scenes accessible right after meeting him. The "gift" quest will only unlock after achieving the right amount of loyalty through sex. Finally, alpha muskyness has been dramatically increased, watch out for your sanity levels! [Gherod]
Raymond: A new mental mouse guy that's seen you around and fallen in love. Do you want to return his feelings? Search for "Yours Forever" to meet him. [Voidsnaps]
Solariel: A female angel determined to protect people, especially Hazel, Solariel may join you after the dragon egg that you were given hatches. [Prometheus]
Vincent: The red fox has gotten a new walk-in event in his room up on the 2nd floor of the library. Provided you've built enough loyalty with him, he'll invite you to hang out, with a number of fun options like drinking, smoking and... doing other things together. (Note: Requires the event where he met the dealer outside the library to be completed.) [Wahn]

Bugfixes & Balance Patches

Candy: He will now only mention Carl in an event if Carl actually has been recruited.
Colleen: Fixed some mentions of Colleen not being recognised as having transformed.
Daphne: Some issues that were preventing all of Daphne's content from playing have been fixed.
Diego: A bugfix rule has been added to make sure that Diego's collar is not marked as worn if the player does not have it in their inventory.
Fightoutcome Fix: A number of ancient fights that defaulted to fleeing due to outdated code have been updated. Hopefully event fights will work as intended now. (If you encounter anything odd still, please report this on the FS discord.)
Jimmy: Jimmy's shower scene with Sturm should hopefully work again.
Karen: The alternate path to recruiting Karen should now work.
Lazaros: Now compatible with importing, for those of you with ongoing saves!
Orc Raid: A small typo prevented the picture of all three orc brothers together from showing at the start of the raid, this has been fixed now.

Upcoming/In the Works

These are projects and commissions that our writers are committed to, something for you to look forward for the future.

Altus: Penetrative sex scenes and interaction with other library NPCs. [Prometheus]
Angelo: The latin lover of the Satyr frat will get some new content soon. [Wahn]
Bastet: A new expansion of Bastet's content is planned. [Wahn]
Carl: A rework for Carl is in the works, to update him to the current realities of the soldier squad event. [Wahn]
Colleen: More for Colleen after she has transformed while remaining sane. [Prometheus]
Gwen: The option to de-suucubise Gwen, as well as her return from her mission much earlier than expected. [Prometheus]
J'Reth: More interaction with his KnK group such as reaction if J'Reth is female. [Prometheus]
Swamps: A brand new area with new enemies! Will start off relatively small, but should become larger over time! Commissions available if you have a specific idea! [Voidsnaps]
Urik: A "dominant daddy" scene for Urik towards the player is in the works. [Wahn]

Commission Opportunities

Various pre-made commission opportunities from various writers are available, to continue the content of their creations that is already in game, or to add something completely new. Please check out the FS Discord, and the "commission-possibilites" channel in the Singleplayer section.

Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me. 
Note: We now also have someone doing coding support for those who just want to write, so you won't have to worry about that side of things too much if you can't wrap your head around it.

Writer for Hire / Commissions


Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

FS Artwork

Here are examples of the new ingame artwork:

Monday, July 10, 2023

FS News - June 2023


 Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for June 2023.



For those who want to support further development of Flexible Survival, we do have a Patreon set up. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions, as well as character artwork or even added content of your choice every month.



As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.

Engine Work

Due to the fact that FS recently overtaxed the Inform engine once more, until we thankfully got a fix from the nice developers over there, the decision has been made to port FS to a new platform. Efforts have been started to put together a new version in the more timely engine Godot. For the foreseeable future, FS will still run in Inform and additional updates are coming out for that, but we've got people working on something new and shiny at the same time.


Alistair: A new knight to play with! Meet him in the forest and watch him bathe, then spar with him to determine if you're knight material. (2 routes.) [Voidsnaps]
Daphne: A new female character has been added to the roster! You'll meet Daphne by seeing her being intimidated by Spartans and, depending on the choice you make, can deepen your relationship with her by heading east of the campus gym to her pool area. The beautiful woman is not used to other people besides the swim team making use of the room, so you might be able to catch her in a naughty scenario and get Daphne to see you in a new light. [Fuxi]
Darius: The dalmatian dealer in the red light district has allowed some pictures of himself to be taken, giving you a really good look at all his body now.
Dark Elf: The merciless dark elf herms have gotten some sexy new artwork. [Wahn]
Davies: Someone snapped a few pictures of Davies, after her transformation into an anthro husky. You can now see these during the soldier squad event chain. [Wahn]
Doctor Mouse: Everyone's favorite evil mouse now has the option to become your slut! To move him to slut storage, express your interest to mortimer BEFORE you complete Dr Mouse's section of the Main storyline! Once you beat him, you'll be able to use him to your heart's content! [Voidsnaps]
Fluffy Owl: The big breasted birdies have gotten some sexy new artwork. [Wahn]
Gina: The hyena recruiter now has a talk and sex menu with her lines and scenes now organized and updated, plus some additional ones. The option to challenge the matriarch now appears in her dialogue options, after having had ""training sex"" with her around three times. [Gherod]
Karen: An alternate path to recruiting Karen is now available. Avoid succumbing to the Bone and you may be approached about a missing dog... [Prometheus]
Lux & Umbra: For those with the right settings enabled, Lux can also acquaint herself further with the player. Embrace the floof. (No repeatable sex scenes yet) [Prometheus]
Naughty Nurse: The vulpine nurse has gotten a complete makeover over all her sex scenes. Now much more detailed and much longer to compliment the sexy vixen’s new artwork! A new variant of her nursing scene has also been added for male players. [Fuxi]
Rod & Ronda: The mall rat couple of Rod and Ronda have gotten an update, giving them a proper talk menu, some background story and improved descriptions. Also, the new mall underground event "Mall Utility Room" now allows some foreshadowing for future developments to come... [Wahn]
Ryan: Ryan has a new wholesome scene and a new sex scenes for people who breed him enough. Now your brood can take a turn pounding into either you or Ryan, and you can enjoy being surrounded and cuddled by a bunch of adorable fennec foxes. The lovely vulpine endings have also been touched up on. [Fuxi]
Segis: A new sex scene, in which you can ask the dragon android for a fuck, for any player gender, has been added, which is performed as his default personality only, for the time being. [Gherod]
Velos: You can now enjoy the strange buttsnake's company at your own leisure, as you are able to find him, in the outside area, a temporary and rather strange cucumber-like plant that seems to also be pulsating with life... And settle it in the Library's Garden. Weird thing, but he seems to like it! Just talk to him at least once and the event "Odd Green Patches" should unlock. Currently, this feature is a bit limited, but will hopefully allow this character to be comfortably expanded in the future. [Gherod]
Vincent: The fox survivor you can rescue from the orcs is starting to make a home for himself in the library. As part of that, it seems he's starting some shady dealings in a nearby alley. Check it out if you want to know what's going on there... (its a walk-in event in the front room of the library, requires you to have introduced him to other NPCs in the library first). [Wahn]
Vixen Nurse: The foxy nurses have gotten some sexy new artwork. [Wahn]

Bugfixes & Balance Patches

Blanche and Woofs: You should no longer be able to summon them as companions while out in the city. (Their hearing isn't that good. Except perhaps Lumi's, but she has things to do.) Requires being in the same room.
Fang: You should no longer be able to summon him/her as a companion while out in the city. (Fang has secret wolf business to attend to while you are away, after all.) Requires being in the same room.
Ryan: Ryan’s ending will no longer display Fang’s endings. A few typos have also been fixed. [Fuxi]
Sascha: Sascha has underwent an unholy level of bugfixes because it turns out that none of his content added last month actually worked! You can now actually FINISH the haunted house and meet Ozeg! [Voidsnaps]

Upcoming/In the Works

These are projects and commissions that our writers are committed to, something for you to look forward for the future.

Altus: Despite Altus's prideful ways, if left alone for too long he may just have to beg the player to sate his lust. [Prometheus]
Alexandra ('Good'): Continuation of her storyline bring the two of you into direct conflict with the Overmind in a five-floor 'dungeon' in similar style to the Bouncy Castle, though with a different theme. [Prometheus]
Carl: As part of the overall gritty reboot of the soldier squad, Carl will get some updated and more timely scenes soon. [Wahn]
Jett: The werewolf brute alpha is bound to receive an artwork, as well as new content, both story-related and sex scenes. [Gherod]
Nermine: More Nermine bondage fun soon to come, filling out her menu for the back room. [Wahn]
Satyr Frat - Angelo: The latin lover of the satyr frat will get some attention soon, introducing him to a more man-to-man way of having fun, with a gradual satyr transformation thrown in too. [Wahn]
Segis: More scenes to come for the dragon android, for his different personality modules as well! [Gherod]

Commission Opportunities

Various pre-made commission opportunities from various writers are available, to continue the content of their creations that is already in game, or to add something completely new. Please check out the FS Discord, and the "commission-possibilites" channel in the Singleplayer section.

Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me. 
Note: We now also have someone doing coding support for those who just want to write, so you won't have to worry about that side of things too much if you can't wrap your head around it.

Writer for Hire / Commissions


Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

FS Artwork

Here are examples of the new ingame artwork:
(with special thanks for Moirah for providing the big breasted dark elf, vixens and fluffy owl ladies to us)

Sunday, June 4, 2023

FS News - May 2023

 Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for May 2023.



For those who want to support further development of Flexible Survival, we do have a Patreon set up. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions, as well as character artwork or even added content of your choice every month.



As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.

Engine Work

Due to the fact that FS recently overtaxed the Inform engine once more, until we thankfully got a fix from the nice developers over there, the decision has been made to port FS to a new platform. Efforts have been started to put together a new version in the more timely engine Godot. For the foreseeable future, FS will still run in Inform and additional updates are coming out for that, but we've got people working on something new and shiny at the same time.


Amy (Artwork): A new piece of artwork has been added, showing Amy and Alexandra together. This will be shown in one of Amy's "horny" walk in events where she interacts with Bad Alexandra. [Wahn]
Angelo: The skirt-chasing Latin lover in the satyr frat has gotten some additional content, allowing you to return to his room and watch another video, with the option to "accidentally" spill a cup of satyr wine over him. More stages of his further transformation to come in the future too. [Wahn]
Cassian: A new squire NPC has lost his master to an unfortunate accident. Search for Loyal Lad to help him get some closure. [Voidsnaps]
Darius: The Dalmatian dealer resident in the Red Light District has received a content update, giving him more character and more naughty options too. You can now see him interact with others in walk-in events when he's out on the street, as well as run into him as he's just taking out his dog for a walk (when he's in his apartment and you walk in). On the sex side, the options when he's blissed out have been reworked, adding fingering, rimming and hotdogging to the mix, as well as foreshadowing for training scenes with toys in future updates. [Wahn]
Diana: The content for Diana, our Siamese Cat/Gryphon hybrid in the mall has been expanded upon, giving her some more talk and sex scenes (semi-public ones, with different scene variants for the food court and bookstore), as well as adding another stage of her transformation, first to wingless sphinx, then winged greek sphinx. If you want to meet her, hunt for "dressing room crisis" inside the mall, followed by "Mall Optician". Afterwards, she'll move around between the food court and Brookstone Books. [Wahn]
Diavoborg/Vuukzasqig: There is a new threesome option available for the two giant beasts which has three possible endings: a cum bath, or as a cock snack for either of them (having done it with Diavoborg alone first is a requirement). Safety is mostly assured! [Gherod]
Doran: He has received a new dominant anal scene for those who like it a bit rougher from the back. Make sure you have anal content active for the scene to show in the Dominant Doran menu. [Gherod]
FS Wiki: A dear supporter has commissioned an update for the item database, namely for some of items acquired in the City Hospital and an informational addition to the Medicine Case shop in the Zephyr Lobby. Every item that is sold there should now be listed in the appropriate pages, as well as their effects in the notes. [Gherod]
Hyper Fang: With the help of Dr. Matt (assuming you've helped him enough), Alpha Fang can be permanently hyperfied after you've properly experienced the effects of the mysterious vials, changing his sex scenes to match. (This is non-reversible and limits his interactions with others currently.)  [Prometheus]
J'Reth: The draco-mantis is now willing to tell you little about his KnK character's backstory, along with share moments from some of his adventures with his party. [Prometheus]
Lazaros: The sunbathing gator has been expanded! Find out more about who he used to be and access new scenes in his camp! (Balls deep variant for those with twisted capacity) [Voidsnaps]
Lux & Umbra: For those with the right settings enabled, Lux and Umbra can get to know each other on a more intimate level. Umbra can also acquaint himself with the player. Enjoy your time with these fluffy wolves. (No repeatable sex scenes yet) [Prometheus]
Ozeg: Brand new demonic dragon available from Sascha's questline. A big guy with a submissive personality. [Voidsnaps]
Sascha (Artwork): A new picture for Sascha has been added, showing him in his full naked glory (from the front). [Wahn]
Sascha and Mul: The buttslut orc is caught in the act of fingering himself by a certain kitty. Of course, Sascha's more than happy to help him out, in exchange for something he can't get elsewhere. Available to those that raise Mul's buttslut score by fucking his ass AND have a sexual relationship with Sascha. [Voidsnaps]
Sascha: The pretty kitty has been expanded and wants to explore a haunted house with you! Search for kitty adventures after you've done his other two events. For now, he doesn't care how you interacted in your first events, but later you'll be able to explore without him if you don't want to sexualize him! [Voidsnaps]
Snake Charmer: The hypnotic naga in the Zoo has gotten a major rewrite, with a larger and more in-depth event that leads into some serpentine fun. [Fenekku]

Bugfixes & Balance Patches

Fang: Alpha Fang should no longer have the option to involve Sandra in his sex scenes if you haven't rescued the needy bunny girl.
Hope-born Dragon:
The dragon may now be blue. There will be slightly fewer brown dragons in the world.

Upcoming/In the Works

These are projects and commissions that our writers are committed to, something for you to look forward for the future.

Altus: Despite Altus's prideful ways, if left alone for too long he may just have to beg the player to sate his lust. [Prometheus]
Carl: As part of the overall gritty reboot of the soldier squad, Carl will get some updated and more timely scenes soon. [Wahn]
Items: New Infection-specific drops for the various creatures out and about are being worked on. No more having to drink cum to change yourself! (Though you can still do that if you want to)
Karen: An expansion of the Golden Retriever girl is in the works. Expect personality, sex, and proper interaction. [Prometheus]
Lux & Umbra:
Lux is a little jealous that Umbra got to you before her. Watch your back or you might get hunted by a pale-furred wolf. [Prometheus]
Nermine: More Nermine bondage fun soon to come, filling out her menu for the back room. [Wahn]
Satyr Frat - Angelo: The latin lover of the satyr frat will get some attention soon, introducing him to a more man-to-man way of having fun, with a gradual satyr transformation thrown in too. [Wahn]

Commission Opportunities

Various pre-made commission opportunities from various writers are available, to continue the content of their creations that is already in game, or to add something completely new. Please check out the FS Discord, and the "commission-possibilites" channel in the Singleplayer section.

Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me. 
Note: We now also have someone doing coding support for those who just want to write, so you won't have to worry about that side of things too much if you can't wrap your head around it.

Writer for Hire / Commissions


Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

FS Artwork

Here are examples of the new ingame artwork: