Sunday, January 5, 2014

FS on IOS Devices

As submitted on our forum:

Well, this was interesting! Surprising, and I'm still excited. If you go to the appstore, and search for interactive fiction, you might find an app by the name of frotz ! I am extremely excited, because this app can actually be used to play Flexible Survival on devices. Here's a step by step guide.

1) Go to the app store, search for the app "Frotz" and, download it. Its about 116 MB if I remember right.
2) Open safari, and go to the site. it'll be a mobile site.
3) Scroll all the way down, view web version, then click links. It'll go back to the mobile site. This is okay.
4) Click flexible survival, do not use the installer. I don't think it'll even let you. After that, wait. Page loading type of thing? Simply wait. The file will pop up, click open with frotz
5) Have lots and lots of naughty fun!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

I'm Baaaack!

And with prezzies!
I've returned from the holidays with a batch of updates.  The WfH queue's been pretty much dealt, though someone's already jumped in and put in a new request which we should be seeing soon.  And as a holiday gift for their continued support and an apology for the delay, those requests all got a little bit extra added to them.  With my stack clear, now's the time to jump in at the top of the queue with fresh donation requests.
So let's get to the unwrapping!

Brutus: Added another big pile of options for you and your demon pet to have fun with defeated Demon Brutes.  See Wahn for more Brutus stuff.
Red Oni: Now has a set of monster victory scenes.
Vanessa: New infectious sex menu option - nursing.
Meredith: Post-TF sex and interaction scenes that unlock threesomes.
Artemis: Lots more modded fun - engulfing/masturbation/sex/napping.
Wrestling Wolf: Now with 'first time' appearance.
Twisted Pimp: An M/M player victory scene can be obtained once you beat up a few of these guys.  Also promoted to lvl 8 and the infection name is now capitalized.
Black Wasp: Getting rid of the parasite should now be somewhat easier.
Skunk Pet: Event moved to the Urban Forest.

Blue Bishop:
Beach Area: Blue Bishop and I have done a bit of remodeling on the Beach area, laying it out a little more sensibly.
Gender Locking: You can now, if you choose, set yourself with a fully or partially locked gender at the start of the game.
Banning Menu: Hyperlinks for easier usage.
Ending Changes: The displaying of endings has been cleaned up to be more reader-friendly.
Open Hunting: Added access to the main Outside area from several locations in the game for smoother continued exploration.

Carl: More fun with the Soldier Squad leads to a new canine friend with lots of good stuff.  He's also just been added to the saveword.
Brutus:  Added a bunch of fun between him and David.

As for the bonus hours, we got three for the past month.  I'll go ahead with more of your suggestions from the previous set.  Next time, we'll poll for fresh ones.

Writer For Hire update:
  • New NPC (0/4) - Stripes

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Happy Holidays

Just a quick message to wish Happy Holidays from the FS team to all our contributors, fans and casual players.  We hope you are all warm, well and well-fed.  We'll be back with more fun soon.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Stuff and Things

Time for more updates on the changes as well as some news.  While Nuku's big announcements have gone out, there's been a bunch of other updates that have occurred as well to go over.

Artemis: Now we're getting to the meatiest stuff with the first set of engulf scenes for a modded Artemis (masturbation only) active.  It currently is set to appear with an intro for the 'first time', but a regular one will be added later.
David + Sven: There's now a walk-in scene as well as a new sex menu option for David to have fun with Sven if you allow them to pair up. - Wahn
Start Menu: The option for graphics has been added to the start-up menu.
Sierrasaur: A rocky critter on the Dry Plains with some special loss mechanics referred to as the 'bound state'. - Blue Bishop
Pewter Consort: A strange, metallic creature with no face save its maw roaming the Capitol Bldg area.  It also has some 'bound state' mechanics. - Blue Bishop
Hayato: More scenes, with fellatio and anal options added as well as a second variation for vaginal sex.  NOTE: A patch to keep the sex menu open is pending activation and should be live in a few hours.
Red Oni: After rescuing Hayato to the library (or driving him off), some Red Oni start appearing.  There's no significant win/loss scenes yet - this is mostly groundwork to accompany Hayato's update.

Also some news.  With the holidays coming up, I'll be away again for about a week starting early next week, though I'll keep chugging away at stuff off and on during that time.  If necessary, I can pass along important bug fixes through the others.  If you've got a Writer for Hire request, I can work on it while away.  I'll also add a little extra to those currently waiting as a holiday gift and thank you for their patience during the holidays.
EDIT - Dec 22, 8pm: My home's been without power since around 12:30am today and it's expected to be out for the next couple of days.  I'm well enough, all things considered, but I'll have a cold few days before hopefully flying out to visit family for the holidays.
EDIT - Dec 24, 7am: Power just came on about a half-hour ago, leaving to travel in 15 min.  Fingers crossed it stays on for my frozen roommate and kitty.

Writer For Hire update:
  • Vanessa/Meredith (0/6) - Stripes
  • Brutus (0/14) - Stripes/Wahn
  • Leonard/Artemis updates (6.5/12) - Stripes
  • Hayato (3/3) - Stripes

Monday, December 16, 2013

Saving, old and new.

To avoid confusion with folks who try to use 'save' and then come back the next day to their browser, expecting it to be there, save now routes to the saveword system.

But for people playing the downloaded edition, who wants the old save functionality, you got it! Type oldsave.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

My Holiday Gift to You!

You've been asking for this FOREVER, and now you got it!

When you do saveword, a file is created that contains nothing... except.. your INVENTORY!

Yes indeed. Your inventory is now saved to file. When you do a 'load game', that inventory is restored.

Yes, it works between versions.

Yes, you're welcome. Enjoy!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Update Report

We're overdue for another content report, as there's been more added to the game than just the graphics updates.  Since I'm back from MFF (had a great time) and getting back into the swing of things, it's time to report on what we've got for you guys.

Settings/Cheat Menu: This menu's been expanded with a few updates.  There's now an option for:
- Booster Feats: Cheat to gain an extra feat slot of both types.
- Vore/UB Settings: Options to adjust your desired levels for vore and ub scenes.  These are not fully implemented across the game, but exist and will be applied soon.
Feats: Three new feats have been added to expand your range of options.
- Dominant: In opposition to Submissive, this feat rewards your victory with a morale, xp or libido increase.  In the future, it may be used to open up more dominant scenes or make those outcomes more likely.
- Always A Pussy: Another gender control feat, this one ensures you always have a pussy, restricting your gender to F/H.
- Always Cocky: Similar to the above, it ensures you always have a cock, restricting your gender to M/H.
-  Size limits have also slightly been adjusted for Modest Organs and the Preferred feats.
Horny Doctor: A new player loss scene in the form of a kinky examination.
Hyena Gang: Gang members WS scene for the gang bitch, if More WS is set.

Blue Bishop:
Cute Chinchilla Girl: Given a complete overhaul to her content, she's also been renamed to just 'Chinchilla' and moved to the Dry Plains.
EDIT: Elf: Given an overhaul to player loss and endings, she's also been renamed to 'Wood Elf'.

Eric: Content's been added between him and the Felinoid and some adjustments were made to his content with David.
Captive Breeding: This Underground Lab event now contains a male breeding captive option that may appear.
Shemale Smooth Collie: Victory sex is now optional.

Christy: Added by a fan, a count is now given on the number of clutches the trapped dragoness has had.
Lilith: There's a conversation option to discuss your offspring with the succubus, thereby getting a count on them.

Bonus Hours:
As we've only got two bonus hours last month, I'll continue by adding more from the previously suggested list.

Writer For Hire update:
  • Leonard/Artemis updates (1.5/6) - Stripes
  • Hayato (0/3) - Stripes
  • Vanessa/Meredith (0/6) - Stripes