6 Books That Turned Around My Life in 6 Months

A new career, more money, and a greater sense of life purpose

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
Books Are Our Superpower


Photo by Nong Vang on Unsplash

Imagine this.

One day you’re looking at some people having a wonderful life. Not in just superficial terms, but they genuinely look so happy. They’ve found a purpose, and their passion pays them to pursue it. It’s almost envious how sorted they look.

You want this freedom. You want to be your own boss; you want to do cool things. You want to make money good enough to gift your mom something which will make her smile and to travel places resources currently don’t allow you to. You want this life, an ideal life.

Instead, you go back to your usual day around your ordinary tasks. Doing assignments, sending updates, making reports. Before you sleep, you again imagine — what if, you could live that way too? But your inner voice tells you that’s a game for a few and not for you to win. You’re okay where you are, and this is the way you have to be. Each day you wake up and get back to the routine.

But something happens. Amidst your daily routine and the usual reading you do, you feel yourself change. Week by week, month by month. It happens slowly, but your entire energy changes.

