336 matching packages found. Page 1 of 4.

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Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra abuild 3.14.1-2 Alpine build tools 2025-01-24
x86_64 Extra actionlint 1.7.7-1 Static checker for GitHub Actions workflow files 2025-01-19
any Extra alpine-keyring 2.5-1 Public keys for Alpine Linux packages 2024-10-12
x86_64 Extra android-file-transfer 4.3-1 Android MTP client with minimalistic UI 2024-04-29
any Extra android-udev 20250314-1 Udev rules to connect Android devices to your linux box 2025-03-14
any Extra ansible 11.3.0-1 Official assortment of Ansible collections 2025-02-28
any Extra ansible-bender 0.10.1-4 Build container images using Ansible playbooks 2024-12-22
any Extra ansible-core 2.18.3-1 Radically simple IT automation platform 2025-02-28
any Extra ansible-language-server 1.2.3-1 Ansible Language Server 2024-07-22
any Extra ansible-lint 25.1.3-2 Checks playbooks for practices and behaviour that could potentially be improved. 2025-02-25
x86_64 Extra apk-tools 2.14.10-1 Alpine Package Keeper - package manager for alpine 2025-02-13
x86_64 Extra apparmor 4.0.3-3 Mandatory Access Control (MAC) using Linux Security Module (LSM) 2024-12-22
any Extra archlinux-contrib 20250219-1 Collection of contrib scripts used in Arch Linux 2025-02-19
x86_64 Extra atools 20.2.2-4 APKBUILD and aports linter for Alpine Linux 2024-10-14
any Extra autorandr 1.15-1 Auto-detect connected display hardware and load appropiate X11 setup using xrandr 2024-03-03
any Extra autotiling 1.9.3-3 Script for sway and i3 to automatically switch the horizontal / vertical window split orientation 2024-12-22
any Extra azote 1.14.1-1 Wallpaper & color manager for wlroots-based compositors and some X11 WMs 2024-12-29
any Extra bats 1.11.1-1 Bash Automated Testing System 2024-11-30
x86_64 Extra blueman 2.4.4-1 GTK+ Bluetooth Manager 2025-02-04
x86_64 Extra bluez 5.80-1 Daemons for the bluetooth protocol stack 2025-03-18
x86_64 Extra bluez-cups 5.80-1 CUPS printer backend for Bluetooth printers 2025-03-18
x86_64 Extra bluez-deprecated-tools 5.80-1 Deprecated tools that are no longer maintained 2025-03-18
x86_64 Extra bluez-hid2hci 5.80-1 Put HID proxying bluetooth HCI's into HCI mode 2025-03-18
x86_64 Extra bluez-libs 5.80-1 Deprecated libraries for the bluetooth protocol stack 2025-03-18
x86_64 Extra bluez-mesh 5.80-1 Services for bluetooth mesh 2025-03-18
x86_64 Extra bluez-obex 5.80-1 Object Exchange daemon for sharing content 2025-03-18
x86_64 Extra bluez-utils 5.80-1 Development and debugging utilities for the bluetooth protocol stack 2025-03-18
any Extra capitaine-cursors 4-3 An x-cursor theme inspired by macOS and based on KDE Breeze 2024-07-05
any Extra catfish 4.20.0-2 Versatile file searching tool 2024-12-25
any Extra check-jsonschema 0.31.3-1 A JSON Schema CLI and pre-commit hook built on jsonschema 2025-03-08
any Extra codespell 2.4.1-1 check code for common misspellings 2025-01-29
x86_64 Extra containerd 2.0.4-1 An open and reliable container runtime 2025-03-17
x86_64 Extra createrepo_c 1.2.1-1 A C implementation of createrepo, a tool to create yum repositories 2025-03-17
x86_64 Extra curlie 1.8.2-1 The power of curl, the ease of use of httpie. 2025-03-07
x86_64 Extra dav1d 1.5.1-1 AV1 cross-platform decoder focused on speed and correctness 2025-01-20
x86_64 Extra dav1d-doc 1.5.1-1 AV1 cross-platform decoder focused on speed and correctness (documentation) 2025-01-20
any Extra ddgr 2.2-1 DuckDuckGo from the terminal 2023-12-29
x86_64 Extra ddrescue 1.29.1-1 GNU data recovery tool 2025-03-22
x86_64 Extra dino 0.4.5-1 Modern XMPP (Jabber) chat client written in Vala 2025-02-25
x86_64 Extra discord 0.0.88-2 All-in-one voice and text chat for gamers 2025-03-21
any Extra distrobox Use any linux distribution inside your terminal. 2025-01-25
x86_64 Extra drpm 0.5.2-2 A small library for fetching information from deltarpm packages 2024-11-09
any Extra elixir 1.18.3-1 A dynamic, functional language for building scalable and maintainable applications 2025-03-06
x86_64 Extra engrampa 1.28.2-2 A file archiver for MATE 2024-09-11
x86_64 Extra entr 5.7-1 Run arbitrary commands when files change 2025-02-07
x86_64 Extra exo 4.20.0-2 Application library for the Xfce desktop environment 2024-12-25
x86_64 Extra fastfetch 2.39.1-1 A feature-rich and performance oriented neofetch like system information tool 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra filezilla 3.68.1-1 Fast and reliable FTP, FTPS and SFTP client 2024-12-01
x86_64 Extra firefoxpwa 2.14.1-1 A tool to install, manage and use Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) in Mozilla Firefox (native component) 2025-02-16
any Extra firewalld 2.3.0-2 Firewall daemon with D-Bus interface 2024-12-22
x86_64 Extra flameshot 12.1.0-5 Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software 2024-08-30
any Extra gajim 2.0.4-1 Full featured and easy to use XMPP (Jabber) client 2025-03-21
x86_64 Extra gammastep 2.0.10-1 Adjust the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings. 2025-03-15
x86_64 Extra garcon 4.20.0-2 Freedesktop.org compliant menu library 2024-12-25
x86_64 Extra gigolo 0.5.4-1 Remote filesystem management frontend 2024-12-25
x86_64 Extra girara 0.4.5-1 User interface library focused on simplicity and minimalism 2024-12-22
x86_64 Extra gitea 1.23.5-1 Painless self-hosted Git service, community managed. 2025-03-05
any Extra glad 2.0.8-2 Multi-Language Vulkan/GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator based on the official specs 2024-12-22
any Extra glances 4.3.1-1 CLI curses-based monitoring tool 2025-03-22
x86_64 Extra glow 2.1.0-1 Command-line markdown renderer 2025-02-27
x86_64 Extra glslang 15.1.0-1 OpenGL and OpenGL ES shader front end and validator 2025-01-17
x86_64 Extra gopsuinfo 0.1.9-1 A gopsutil-based command to display customizable system info 2024-11-06
x86_64 Extra goverlay 1.3_3-1 A GUI to help manage Vulkan/OpenGL overlays 2025-03-15
x86_64 Extra grafana-zabbix 5.0.3-1 Zabbix plugin for Grafana dashboard 2025-03-19
x86_64 Extra gsimplecal 2.5.1-2 Simple and lightweight GTK calendar 2024-07-01
x86_64 Extra gtk-session-lock 0.2.0-2 A library to create screen lockers for Wayland using the ext-session-lock protocol 2024-08-20
x86_64 Extra gtklock 4.0.0-1 GTK-based lockscreen for Wayland 2024-10-22
x86_64 Extra gtklock-playerctl-module 4.0.0-1 gtklock module adding media player controls to the lockscreen 2024-10-22
x86_64 Extra gtklock-powerbar-module 4.0.0-1 gtklock module adding power controls to the lockscreen 2024-10-22
x86_64 Extra gtklock-userinfo-module 4.0.1-1 gtklock module adding user info to the lockscreen 2024-12-27
x86_64 Extra hexchat 2.16.2-4 A popular and easy to use graphical IRC (chat) client 2024-12-22
x86_64 Extra highlight 4.15-5 Fast and flexible source code highlighter - CLI version 2025-02-09
x86_64 Extra highlight-gui 4.15-5 Fast and flexible source code highlighter - QT GUI version 2025-02-09
x86_64 Extra highlight-perl 4.15-5 Fast and flexible source code highlighter - perl module 2025-02-09
x86_64 Extra htmlq 0.4.0-2 Like jq, but for HTML 2024-07-01
x86_64 Extra hugo 0.145.0-1 Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator in Go 2025-02-26
any Extra hyfetch 1.99.0-2 Neofetch with LGBTQ+ pride flags! 2024-12-22
x86_64 Extra icewm 3.7.2-1 Window Manager designed for speed, usability, and consistency 2025-03-09
x86_64 Extra iotop-c 1.27-1 A top utility for IO 2025-01-13
any Extra irker 2.24-2 An IRC client that runs as a daemon accepting notification requests 2024-12-31
x86_64 Extra jbig2dec 0.20-1 Decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image compression format 2023-10-12
any Extra jenkins 2.502-1 Extendable continuous integration server (latest) 2025-03-18
x86_64 Extra kea 2.6.1-2 High-performance, extensible DHCP server engine from ISC, supporting both DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 2024-12-22 2025-03-21
x86_64 Extra kea-docs 2.6.1-2 High-performance, extensible DHCP server engine from ISC, supporting both DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 (user and developer documentation) 2024-12-22 2025-03-21
x86_64 Extra keepassxc 2.7.10-1 Cross-platform community-driven port of Keepass password manager 2025-03-05
x86_64 Extra keyd 2.5.0-1 A key remapping daemon for linux 2024-07-27
x86_64 Extra lemurs 0.4.0-1 A customizable TUI display/login manager written in Rust 2025-02-24
x86_64 Multilib lib32-spirv-tools 1:1.4.309.0-1 API and commands for processing SPIR-V modules (32-bit) 2025-03-13
x86_64 Extra libcgif 0.5.0-1 A fast and lightweight GIF encoding library 2025-02-09
x86_64 Extra libconfig 1.7.3-3 C/C++ Configuration File Library 2024-07-01
x86_64 Extra libdisplay-info 0.2.0-2 EDID and DisplayID library 2024-11-11
x86_64 Extra libfilezilla 1:0.49.0-1 Small and modern C++ library, offering some basic functionality to build high-performing, platform-independent programs 2024-12-01
x86_64 Extra libmupdf 1.25.5-1 Library for Lightweight PDF and XPS viewer 2025-03-16
x86_64 Extra libplacebo 7.349.0-4 Reusable library for GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives 2025-01-17
x86_64 Extra libtlsrpt 0.5.0-2 A low-level C Library to implement TLSRPT into a MTA 2025-02-22
x86_64 Extra libu2f-server 1.1.0-6 Yubico Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) Server C Library 2024-07-01
x86_64 Extra libxfce4ui 4.20.1-1 Widgets library for the Xfce desktop environment 2025-03-23
x86_64 Extra libxfce4util 4.20.1-1 Basic utility non-GUI functions for Xfce 2025-03-23
x86_64 Extra libxfce4windowing 4.20.2-2 Windowing concept abstraction library for X11 and Wayland 2025-02-13
x86_64 Extra limine 9.2.0-1 An advanced, portable, multiprotocol bootloader 2025-03-16

336 matching packages found. Page 1 of 4.

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