For a deck-building adjacent game (deck-management?) I feel like I have very little control over what I'm dealt, and have no way to line things up. I'm working with what is given to me, and sometimes that leaves me with really good or really bad turns.
Once you've got your victory condition in mind, the other symbols don't do much. If I'm going a science route, you want just barely enough combat and health, and exploration be damned.
If I'm going for a science victory, I don't feel like I can splurge and go for the cool things on the side. Any decision that isn't going straight to the top of the track feels wrong.
Combat units come quickly. Defeating them feels less rewarding than just pinging them so they won't bother you.
I'd like some stats/charts regarding my deck and it's contents. Just some rough things to look over more quickly when making decisions. How many open building spots do I have, what's my average combat per planet, what's the total population of my empire, etc.
A member registered Mar 15, 2017
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