Cosmos Defender v1 and v1.01 Update
We’re glad we can finally update this Jam game to its 1.0 version! It has been a lot of work and learning this last month but we can finally present something (even tho it has bugs) that we’re really proud of!
In this update, we’re not really adding content, but fixing those things that were lacking. Here we resume the update and those things that we’ve added and changed. Finally you’ll find a changelog for back-end stuff, if you like that :D.
- Updated Laser
- Updated spell design and buffs.
- Added Language Settings.
- Added feedback for all characters when damaged.
- Added sensitivity slider.
- Updated HUD to occupy less.
- Updated Music.
- You can interact with stars now.
- Changed basic attack (Laser) to be in held mode. (Buggy)
- Changed meteorite shop upgrade to affect projectile, not cast area.
- Changed arc to chain in a smaller area but buffed upgrades.
- Changed arc to chain to less enemies but
- Changed arc to damage even when only 1 enemy is hit. (was 2 minimum)
- Changed goddess mode to be a spell and work accordingly.
- Changed buffs to be tiered. Now only 1 buff of each type is applied. Done to try and minimize the HUD size when all upgrades are bought.
- Added shop dynamic description. (This took longer than expected, green values are updated real-time and works with any upgrade correctly)
- Changed combat music to a lengthier one.
- Adjusted music play/stop events for tracks that were not playing correctly at the win or loss events.
- Hidden the wave timer at the start of the wave. Now it appears correctly at the end of the new wave.
- Moved interaction text and changed its font / visibility settings.
- Added interactable stars. (They give a bonus and sadness)
- Changed base movement speed from 6 to 8. Upgrades work accordingly, scaling up to 14.
- Adjusted enemy spawn points.
- Added sounds, screen-shake, and animations when player receives damage.
- Added sounds and animations to enemies when they take damage.
- Changed VFX when enemies die. (One of my favorites)
- Added a text when the core takes damage
- Added a text when enemies spawn. (just like Smite!)
- Added portal VFXs when enemies start to spawn.
If you’ve reached down here, thanks for reading the update and we hope you enjoy the game. Any feedback is welcome and we’ll be more than happy to discuss the game overall.
(If you’ve scrolled here for the TL:DR its at the beginning)
Get Cosmos Defender
Cosmos Defender
Tower Defense where you control Shyofra, a goddess who must protect an Orb of Power
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