I’m back in Brighton after a fairly short and painless jet-stream aided journey from Baltimore.
I had a grand old time. I didn’t take all that many pictures and the ones I did take were often in low-light/high-alcohol situations. Still, here are some snapshots of the wedding weekend.
Dan and Sue’s wedding was great. The hall where they pledged their troth is also home to the final resting place of Edgar Allan Poe. After the ceremony, tours of the catacombs were available just to lend that extra heaping of perspective. The spookiness of the crypt was somewhat offset by the sounds of the bluegrass band playing in the hall above. I can only imagine what the ghosts that supposedly haunt the grounds thought of the hits of the 70s and 80s that the DJ rolled out to get everyone up on their feet.
Needless to say, while I was in Baltimore, I made sure to indulge myself with the fine food and drink on offer in the city: that would mostly be crab cakes and Natty Boh.