Become a sponsor to Andreas Gohr
I have more than 150 public repositories here at github. All of them are Free and and Open Source Software with DokuWiki being the most popular by far.
During the many years of creating, releasing and maintaining my Open Source software I
- implemented new features
- merged and commented on pull requests
- fixed bugs
- answered questions on forums, mailing list and other sites
- maintained active social media channels
- wrote newsletters
- conceptualized and implemented additional supporting infrastructure
- managed the servers
- and much more
Many many people helped me with that. By code contributions but also by donating.
Your donations help me cover expenses for the server, domain names, etc. and partially offset the opportunity cost of working only 4-day per week to allow more time for OpenSource projects.
Whether you donate or not - my Open Source software stays 100% free.
When you become a sponsor you're making my life a bit better because you think my software made your life a bit better.
❤️ Thank you
Featured work
Pure-PHP implementation to read and write TAR and ZIP archives
PHP 101 -
commie is a pastebin script with line commenting support
JavaScript 49 -
Simple fullscreen menu system for Raspberry Pi Touchscreen
Python 136 -
A Dockerfile to build an image running multiple PHP versions on Apache
Shell 225 -
Very simple XDebug trace web GUI
PHP 155