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61 lines (57 loc) · 5.72 KB

File metadata and controls

61 lines (57 loc) · 5.72 KB

I put the detailed Command-Line explanation here since not many people use it and its pretty "long"

Everything what's explained here is also explained in the help-commands within the Program.

Command explanation

Before we start:

  • You only need the params which are marked as (Req.). All other params are optional.
  • If a path contains a space use the quotations "" around: "D:\games\Project with Space\"
  • Remember that IOS & Linux not have a Drive-Letter nor using the \ as Directory-Separator; use / instead when you're using Linux/MacOS
  • Important: If you just Type java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" the Program will start with GUI
  • You can also use the Help-Command with java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" help
  • The Script ends with "Done." Then you're done.

There exists commands you can use, these are explained here:

  • decrypt - Decrypts all Files (Help: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" decrypt help)
    • The Script will decrypt all Files in the target dir
    • Simple-Syntax: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" decrypt [(Req.) target path] [output path] [verifyRpgDir (false|true)] [ignoreFakeHeader (true|false)]
    • Full-Syntax: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" decrypt [(Req.) target path] [output path] [verifyRpgDir (false|true)] [ignoreFakeHeader (true|false)] [headerLen (number)] [hsignature] [hversion] [hremain]
    • Example 1: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" decrypt D:\games\Project1\
      • Decrypts the game located in D:\games\Project1\ and saves files to the output dir of this program
    • Example 2: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" decrypt D:\games\Project1\ D:\games\Project1\
      • Decrypts the game located in D:\games\Project1\ and saves files in the game dir (preserves structure)
    • Example 3: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" decrypt D:\games\Project1\ D:\games\Project1\ false true d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
      • Like example 2, just using the Decryption key d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
    • You can do more things with decrypt please use the help to see more details
  • restore - Restores all PNG-Files without a Key (Help: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" restore help)
    • The Script will restore all Files in the target dir (no key needed)
    • Simple-Syntax: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" restore [(Req.) target path] [output path] [verifyRpgDir (false|true)] [ignoreFakeHeader (true|false)]
    • Full-Syntax: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" restore [(Req.) target path] [output path] [verifyRpgDir (false|true)] [ignoreFakeHeader (true|false)] [headerLen (number)]
    • Example 1: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" restore "C:\my rpg mv game\"
      • Restores all Images in C:\my rpg mv game\ and saves files to the output dir of this program
    • Example 2: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" restore "C:\my rpg mv game\" "C:\my rpg mv game\"
      • Restores all Images in C:\my rpg mv game\ and saves the restored images also to the game (preserves structure)
    • Example 3: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" restore "C:\my rpg mv game\" "C:\my rpg mv game\" true false
      • Like Example 2, just adding that the Script should verify it's a RPG-MV/MZ dir and the MV/MZ-Header on the files is correct
  • encrypt - Encrypts all Files (Help: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" ecrypt help)
    • This Script (Re-)Encrypts all Files in the target dir
    • This Script NEEDs a Key (so it must be either in the Target-dir - System.json-File) or given as Parameter
    • Simple-Syntax: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" encrypt [(Req.) target path] [output path] [to MV (true|false)] [key (auto|keyValue)]
    • Full-Syntax: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" encrypt [(Req.) target path] [output path] [to MV (true|false)] [key (auto|keyValue)] [headerLen (number)] [hsignature] [hversion] [hremain]
    • Example 1: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" encrypt "C:\my rpg mv game\"
      • Encrypts all resource Files in C:\my rpg mv game\ to the MV-Format with the detected Key
    • Example 2: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" encrypt "C:\my rpg mz game\" output false
      • Encrypts all resource File in C:\my rpg mz game\ to the output dir of this program in the MZ-Format
    • Example 3: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" encrypt "C:\my rpg mz game\" output false d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
      • Same as Example 2, just using a manual given Key: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
    • You can do more things with encrypt please use the help to see more details
  • key - Detects and displays the Key (Help: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" key help)
    • This Script shows the Key of the given directory/project
    • Simple-Syntax: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" key [(Req.) target path] [ask before image keysearch (true|false)]
    • Full-Syntax: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" key [(Req.) target path] [ask before image keysearch (true|false)] [headerLen (number)]
    • Example 1: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" key "C:\my rpg mv game\"
      • Will do a Key-Search in C:\my rpg mv game\ and shows the Key if found, if not found it will ask if you want to generate it out of encrypted images
    • Example 2: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" key "C:\my rpg mv game\" false
      • Same as Example 1, just don't ask if search on images, it will always do automatically
  • update - Updates the Program (Help: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" update help)
    • This Script updates the Program
    • Syntax: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" update [(Optional) Sub-Command]
    • Program Update Command: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" update
    • Open "What's new" in your Default-Browser: java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" update whatsnew