Hydra is a brute-force online password cracking program. It allows us to run through a list and 'bruteforce' some authentication service.
For example the following protocols are crackable with Hydra :
hydra [FLAG] server service [OPTIONS]
man hydra
hydra -l <username> -P <full_path_to_wordlist> <ip> -t <threads> ssh
Hydra can be used to bruteforce web forms too, just make sure what type of requests it is making (ie. GET or POST methods)
For example, HTTP-POST-FORM :
- Static username with wordlists for password
hydra -l <username> -P <path_to_wordlist> http-post-form "/<rel_form_url>:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:F=incorrect" -V
- Static password with wordlists for username
hydra -L <path_to_wordlist> -p <password> http-post-form "/<rel_form_url>:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:F=incorrect"
-L | indicates use the following username list |
-p | Single password |
- Username has been given on the question
- Take rockyou.txt as the bruteforce wordlist, which allows you to solve it faster (Something is wrong after 30+ unsuccessful cracks).
- For Kali Linux user, it is provided in path /etc/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz