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(SW) A Different Kind of Training
My creativity for coming up with interesting titles is starting to run dry. I swear I've seen a story with that title before >.>
Same-day commission for
snow34 starring himself, going through his usual training regimes to be the best, like no one ever was. The poor guy's seriously devoted to his craft though, even Ace has to resort to trickery just to get him to take a bite and, well, relax a little~
I hope you all enjoy it~
A gentle breeze blew by, bringing with it cool air on the normally warm day. It was hardly a strong current, not even powerful enough to pluck a leaf from the nearby trees, yet Snow took it into account anyway. He was, after all, preparing to take a very precise shot, and every marksman knows that even the slightest gust can throw off your aim.
The floatzel squared his shoulders and widened his stance, taking a deep breath through his nose and out through his mouth. His eyes narrowed on his targets: paper cut-outs of three different pokemons erected over a fence, complete with target markers over their vitals. With another deep breath, Snow forced himself to block out all distractions; everything from the birds chirping in the air to even the sound of his own breathing. Then, and only then, did he finally muster up the power within him, energy coursing through his veins as he leaned forward.
And spat.
The word spat doesn’t quite do it justice, however. In reality, a powerful jet of water burst through his narrowed lips like a bullet firing out of the barrel of a gun! Snow repeated this action in rapid succession, his neck straining from the recoil with every shot, until his throat was hoarse and his mouth went dry. Panting from the effort, the floatzel removed his glasses and wiped the sweat from his orange brow; how ironic that summoning water through his mouth also brought it along his face as well. After wiping his glasses on his shirt, the floatzel placed them back onto his face, and grimaced.
Many of his shots were quite a ways away from their intended mark, several holes randomly placed around the paper cut outs like Swiss cheese. The only one he did fairly well against was the Ursaring, although that could be partially attributed to the golden circle it had on its chest. It was a fairly easy target, after all. The rest were quite far from their mark, much to the floatzel’s dismay. What was the point in increasing his attack speed if his attacks can’t even hit their targets? With a sigh, Snow moved in to take down the ruined cut-outs, tossing them onto a pile stacked full of used targets, before reaching for more fresh posters to use.
“Are you still training?! You’re gonna work yourself to the bone if you keep this up!”
Snow turned around to find Ace looking at him from the backyard door, the floatzel’s two tail curling around his thigh as he saw how nervous his boyfriend was. While Typhlosions were typically known for their stoicism, Ace wasn’t afraid to let his concern show on his face; even the flaring mane that wrapped around his dark blue neck looked feeble and weak. “Can’t you at least take a break? You’ve been at it since you woke up!”
The floatzel felt his heart swell in his chest, guilty for making his boyfriend worry over him. However, he was determined to see his training all the way through; at least until he could hit his targets with better precision. “I will in just a sec, hun. I just started getting into a good rhythm.”
“After five hours?! Sweetheart, you’re not gonna improve if you over exert yourself like this.” The typhlosion whimpered, his fiery neck crest dying down further into mere embers.
Snow sighed. He knew Ace was right; he could practically feel the exhaustion washing over him as those words sank in, yet he couldn’t will himself to stop now. The perfectionist in him willed him to continue his training, to hit every single target dead on in rapid succession. However, with his boyfriend standing at the door pleading for him to come inside, the floatzel settled on at least trying to hit within the target. “I’ve almost got it, hun, don’t worry! A few more rounds and I should be good to go,” he lied. At this rate, it would take him another hour, at tops, to hit every target close enough to satisfy himself.
Ace, however, was not convinced. The typhlosion knew better than anyone how serious Snow took his training. While he admiring the floatzel’s dedication to his craft, it also concerned him how far the water-type was willing to push his limits. Lately, Snow spent more time outside training than he did inside! Oh, if only he could be alone with the strong otter-like pokemon once again…
“Before you try again, can you at least let me get you some water first? I really don’t want you to get dehydrated; I mean, it’s not a good idea to shoot out more water than you take in, right?” Ace called out, quickly disappearing inside before the floatzel could say anything. Said floatzel raised an eyebrow at the strange act, but decided against acting out on it. If Ace felt better if he drank some water, then he should let him. Besides, his mouth was feeling rather dry now that he thought about it. With that in mind, Snow carefully set up his next three targets (a charizard, tyranitar, and pangoro), and waited.
And waited.
And waited.
“Sheesh, what’s keeping him?” Snow frowned, looking at the doors. By this time, he could have shot down and set up his targets at least three more times! His first thought was that Ace was intentionally keeping him waiting just to get him to stop training, which was, as strange as that sounded, a possibility with the typhlosion. His partner sometimes went through great efforts just to, well, ‘impair’ him from his training. To see him disappear for such a lengthy period put Snow at unease, his mind wandering back to the dastardly pranks pulled previously at his expense.
However, he also knew that Ace cared more about his health than anything, and would never leave him in the sun if he was worried about dehydration. Perhaps the filter was having some sort of issue, or the faucet was clogged. Maybe he should go inside and check on Ace; after all, his boyfriend was more important than his training.
Just as Snow was about to head towards the door, Ace finally popped back outside panting, carrying a platter containing an entire pitcher of lemonade and two empty glasses. “H-hey, sorry that took so long, hun. I... kinda figured you’d like your water with a bit of flavor, you know?” He smiled wearily, setting the platter onto the outside table.
Snow’s tails wagged once he saw that everything was alright, the lemonade looking even more appealing than the water he was promised! He quickly dashed over to pour himself a glass, although he paused to glance at his boyfriend. “Are you alright, Ace? You’re a little out of breath,” the floatzel asked, his nostrils suddenly flaring. Was it the lemonade that was smelling so incredibly sweet? Just how much sweetener did Ace put in it?
The typhlosion took a moment to lean against the house, catching his breath before responding. “Heh, sorry about that. I, uh, opened the cabinet doors a little too quickly and a glass cup fell over and shattered on the floor. I tried sweeping it up as quick as I could, but, well, only one of us is fit, as you can see,” he chuckled, patting his soft middle. “Don’t worry about it though, the mess is totally cleaned up.”
Great, now Snow felt doubly guilty for not checking in on Ace earlier, as well as doubting him in the first place! He stepped forward to wrap up the pokemon in a powerful hug, holding the firey badger close to his strong chest. “I’m sorry for making you deal with that on your own, hun. I promise I’ll go inside soon,” Snow meant what he said this time. What did he do to deserve such a sweet and dependable boyfriend? In fact, sweet was the perfect adjective to describe the typhlosion, who was practically reeking sugar just as his lemonade was. Did Ace accidently spill some sweetener on himself as well?
Ace was all too eager to reciprocate the hug, even patting the floatzel’s broad back. “It’s no problem, silly. Just go enjoy your lemonade and finish up your training. I know how important it is to you.”
“It is, but not as important as you,” Snow winked, patting a little lower than Ace’s back before breaking the hug to pour himself a glass of lemonade. He placed the cup to his lips and drank, quickly guzzling down the beverage until he was left sucking in air. Talk about refreshing; he had no idea he was so thirsty until just now! Sure, the lemonade was a little too sweet for his tastes, and there was an unusual flavor to the lemonade that made it taste a little strange, but it quenched his thirst nonetheless. It wasn’t long before he was pouring himself a second glass, and then a third, gulping the contents again and again. He was well past the point of being quenched, now simply enjoying the lemonade his boyfriend worked so hard to make for him. He was starting to grow a taste for the unusual flavor, the aftertaste in particular reminding him of something along the likes of lemon flavored pie or frosting. How did Ace make this lemonade taste like that? Was that even possible?! Swishing his tails around like a propeller, Snow continued to swig glass after glass, before abandoning the middleman and lifting the entire pitcher to his maw to drink. Only after he drained the entire thing did he lower the container to catch his breath, wiping his muzzle of any remnants. “Jeeze, Ace, how’d you do it?! That was honestly the best thing I’ve ever drank before!” Snow grinned, licking his lips. The after taste was so euphoric, it was making him light headed!
Ace chuckled in response. “Oh, it’s nothing special. Just some sugar and sweeteners, that’s all. You’re just dehydrated is all, I bet you would have guzzled water down if I had brought you that.” With a smirk, Ace reached out to pat the floatzel’s stomach. “Still though, you must have been pretty dang thirsty to drink from the pitcher like that!”
Snow probably wouldn’t have even noticed how much he drank until Ace poked his cream belly, feeling it wobble slightly beneath his touch. The floatzel was surprised he didn’t feel his middle bloating outwards enough to lift up his shirt as he delicately rubbed a paw along the soft surface. “I...guess you’re right,” he murmured, his head still feeling quite fuzzy. Was this a side effect of drinking too much sugar?
Ace saw the opportunity and grabbed his boyfriend’s paw, squeezing it in his own. “Why don’t you take a longer break from training then, sweetheart? You’re starting to look really tired; I told you that’s what happens when you skip breakfast. Let’s go get you something to eat”
“Yeah...that sounds good,” Snow murmured, following Ace inside. That had to be why he was feeling so funny, he hadn’t had anything to eat or drink all day. He really wished he hadn’t drank the lemonade so quickly now; he was feeling quite parched without something to drink. His stomach rumbled as well, as if angry about being neglected this morning. What was he thinking, training for so long without any sustenance? He would fix that prompto, and then go back out to train more as soon as he had something to eat!
With his head in the clouds, Snow allowed Ace to lead him through the house while he was lost in his own thoughts. When he came to, he saw that they weren’t in the kitchen like he was expecting, but the living room. “Go ahead and take a seat on the couch, alright? I’ll even let you kick your feet up on the coffee table just this once.”
Snow didn’t mean to be told twice, his tails twirling with excitement at the opportunity to do the one thing Ace constantly reprimanded him for. The floatzel collapsed onto the couch with a sigh and kicked up his footpaws, groaning with comfort as he sank into the soft fabric. Some part of him cried out in protest, warning him that his boyfriend’s antics were a little fishy, but the larger part of him shrugged it off. Who cares? He was too tired and hungry to really do anything about it anyway! Besides, nothing bad could be happening if he was enjoying himself so much, right?
Fortunately, he didn’t have to stew in his own thoughts for long as the typhlosion soon came back, pushing a literal trolly full of sweets and treats. “Phew, these are heavier than they look! Hope I didn’t keep you, hun.”
But Snow wasn’t listening. Instead, he was staring wide-eyed at the mounds of cookies, cupcakes, donuts, pies, and more before him. Ok, something was definitely fishy, and it certainly wasn’t the cute little fish design drawn on top of the cake with frosting! There was enough food here to fill half a bakery, loaded on just a single trolly! Was this what Ace was doing this entire time?! No wonder he smelt like sugar earlier, the entire room was now overflowing with that sickeningly sweet scent.
No wonder he was already eating from the trolly!
Snow moaned as he brought another cupcake to his lips, greedily eating away at the culinary confection. He had no idea he was still craving for more of whatever was inside that lemonade until just now, when he realized the cupcakes both smelled and tasted just like it! It wasn’t just the cupcakes either, the floatzel delighted to discover the other treats had an almost identical taste, albeit texture! Snow had no idea, and probably never will, how Ace managed to creative such a strange yet scrumptious, delicious yet addicting flavor! Honestly, it really was just like eating the lemonade from earlier!
And, just like the lemonade from earlier, he was so absorbed with consuming it that he didn’t notice his belly growing.
With every gluttonous gulp he took, the floatzel’s belly stretched a little bit further. He was eating at quite the ravenous rate after all, devouring pawfuls of donut holes like they were candy, feeding himself enough food to make anyone’s stomach stuffed and rounded. However, as the food continued piling on in his stomach, it gradually became apparent that his gut wasn’t billowing out with food alone. It was hardly noticeable at first, but soon even Ace could see the rest of the floatzel’s body start to lose definition, those powerful muscles he had spent so much time working on slowly fading away.
He was growing fatter!
“This is bwurrp really good, Ace!” Snow murred, his voice muffled due to his pudding-filled cheeks. Perhaps if his mind wasn’t so muffled and fuzzy, he would have wondered why he never seemed to fill up no matter how much he ate, or better yet, why he was growing more tired even after he more than made up the calories he missed for breakfast. If he wasn’t so tunneled vision on the cart, he would have also asked why his shirt failed to cover his belly anymore, or why said belly was now currently resting on his lap, quivering like a bowl of Jell-O! Nah, his priority was on the food ahead of him, the only questions roaming around his mind being how could he feed himself even faster?
Even Ace was slightly taken aback at just how eager Snow was at destroying his own figure! He watched with gleeful delight as those powerful pecs of his started to round out sag into full on moobs, which rubbed and bounced against each other when the tubby floatzel reached out for more food. Those once-impressive biceps were buried beneath an avalanche of pudge, which now sagged under his arms farther than his muscles ever did on top. Not even that fine, angular jaw of his was safe from his sudden chubbification, thanks to that hanging fold of flesh hanging beneath his muzzle to form a second chin. If Ace didn’t know better, he would have thought the floatzel spent more time sitting on the couch rather than training outside!
And that’s exactly how he liked it.
“Oh, don’t forget to try the cakes! I poured my soul into nailing the frosting!” Ace purred, the flames on his chest suddenly flaring up again. He was quick to grab the cake with both arms, setting it directly onto the floatzel’s stomach, grinning from ear to ear to see it actually balanced on his stomach. To his delight, the pudgy pokemon grabbed and crammed slice after slice into his maw, foregoing the use of any cutlery! Ace was only too happy to replace the empty pile of crumbs on his boyfriend’s growing belly with another cake, and then another, all while chattering excessively.
“You’ve been working so hard, hun, you know that? I know it’s a lot of sugar and carbs, but you really deserve some delicious food! It makes me so happy to see you eat everything I make...well, I made, like, half of what you see. The other half I sorta ordered out, but still! I’m overjoyed that you’re finally, just, letting loose, eating all the food you’ve been depriving yourself all this time.” Ace wasn’t normally such a chatty cathy, and yet he made sure to speak loudly and clearly as he spoke. How else could he cover up the sound of Snow’s clothes tearing?
In fact, the typhlosion nearly gasped mid sentence as he saw his boyfriend’s creamy belly finally surge through the remaining fibers of his shirt, the lard flowing across his belly and then some like a tidal wave. His pants quickly shared the same fate, torn to shreds to make room for his cushion-filling rear, leaving the obese pokemon in his underwear that, Ace thought, was surely at the end of its rope. After all, it was completely smothered by the floatzel’s own rolls! “Oh my Arceus, you’re beautiful.” Ace blushed as those words slipped out, his cheeks flaring a fiery red, before reaching back to grab more food to stuff into his unsuspecting boyfriend.
That blush didn’t fade anytime soon, especially when Ace realized he had to press against the floatzel’s enormous gut just to reach his gaping maw. It was his turn to purr upon realizing Snow now longer bothered using his arms to feed himself, content to sit back and let the typhlosion feed him like a truly lazy fatty complete with half-lidded eyes. Ace was only too happy to oblige the tub of lard, grabbing pawfuls of whatever sugary was in substance to stuff into that chubby maw. “You’re such a handsome blob, you know that?” Ace cooed, slowing down his feedings to squeeze in a grope of that fluffy underbelly. “You must have eaten enough of that special sugar last you a decade at this point. I can see it in your gorgeous eyes, all you want to do is sit and eat. You don’t care how fat and heavy you get, you just want more, more, more!” Ace giggled, stealing a quick kiss from the floatzel’s muzzle. “Well, you’re lucky your boyfriend is such a good caretaker, huh?”
Ace was having way too much fun enabling his gluttonous boyfriend. He couldn’t stop feeding his boyfriend even if he wanted to, just like said boyfriend couldn’t stop eating! They truely did make the perfect pair! The typhlosion was a feeding machine, moving faster and faster just to see the floatzel blob out even further! He kept feeding even as his arms grew heavy from the strain of carrying so much food back and forth, even as he had to step to the side to feed Snow once his belly grew too big to each around head on! His fattening quest fogged up his own mind, leaving him blind to just how more massive each bite was making Snow. At his size, it would be a miracle if the floatzel could so much as stand, let alone move around anymore, and yet Ace kept going, and going, and going,
until there was simply no food left.
Only then did Ace allow himself a chance to catch his breath, the badger-like pokemon panting as he leaned against the furry mattress before him. Talk about ironic that his own drive and passion would end up pushing him past his limits, the very same thing that he warned his boyfriend against. Still, it was quite the thrill, one that Ace would surely love to relive again and again...if he survived that long.
Looking up, the typhlosion’s heart sank to his stomach as he realized the damage his “passion” had wrought. To say that Ace was fat or even obese was a massive understatement at this point; the floatzel was a practical blob! That stomach of his was a Snorlax in of itself, rising up to Snow’s chins despite sagging past the couch onto the floor. Speaking of the couch, the front of it was practically nonexistent beneath the pokemon’s billowing lovehandles, although Ace could make out two beanbag-sized cheeks spilling upwards and outwards from beneath his seat. In fact, upon closer inspection, Ace was shocked to find the couch had actually collapsed from beneath his lover’s rear! Of course, that was bound to happen, considering Snow’s weight was somewhere in the thousands, but to not have heard or seen it break was quite unsettling. Did Snow’s flabby muffle the sound somehow, or was he just not paying attention?
And those arms! Snow had always dreamed of having thick arms, but they were wider than Ace was at this point, and Ace wasn’t exactly svelte even for a typhlosion! They looked like he was wearing pool floaties, a funny image for a pokemon who had a literal lifevest-esque device wrapped around their neck and back, and even that looked as though it had developed rolls! Not surprisngly, his puffy cheeks were, well, puffy, each of them large enough to sag onto his broad shoulders before merging with his tire-sized neck.
But his belly was the main attraction. Everything lead back to his belly: his rear, his arms, his chins, his moobs, they all grew wider and wider until they converged with his middle, the single largest part of his new plus plus sized boyfriend. Just looking at it was like staring at the centerpiece of an art exhibit. Snow was, without a doubt, the fattest pokemon Ace had ever seen before! It was almost a shame the floatzel couldn’t appreciate his own grand size, his eyes still half-lidded and gazing off into the horizon.
With a sigh, The typhlosion clambered onto the mustelid’s doughy middle until he was lying right on top of the crumb-covered summit, wrapping his arms and legs around as much Snow as he could reach. “Man, it’s gonna suck when you finally come to and yell at me for making you huge,” he mumbled, his ears folding back. “Guess I better enjoy it while I can.”
To his surprise, he felt an enormously pudgy paw grasp his own. “Or, you know, we could enjoy it together.”
Ace gasped as he looked up at the floatzel’s pudgy face, staring past those enormous cheeks to see his boyfriend’s attention was now devoted solely on him! “I...uh...w-when did you snap out of the, erh, effects?”
“About ten minutes ago,” Snow snickered, his chins wobbling and rocking with every breath he took. “Must have fed me so much of that ‘special sugar’ of yours that I developed an immunity to it. You know, like how frequent stoners need more and more weed to get the same high?”
“I-is that right?” Ace chuckled as well, although with much less confidence. He was used to playing tricks like this all the time to the floatzel, albeit not one of this magnitude before, but seeing Snow so massively fattened and grinning down on him, while he was laying on top of the floatzel’s waterbed of a belly actually made him a little anxious. It didn’t matter how strong Snow was before; for once, Ace was actually a little intimidated of his boyfriend. “E-erh, you look...really cute with with all this chub, hun.”
“Cute?” Snow raised an eyebrow, furrowing his thick brow. “Boy, I’m adorable. Now come closer and give me a kiss before I roll on top of you!”
Once again, Ace was only too happy to oblige. His lips quickly met with Snow’s, his arms wrapping around that flabby, squishy neck of the floatzels, playing around with the various dimple-faults that coated the pokemon’s face. Man, even Snow’s lips were softed; it was almost like kissing a cupcake, seeing how fluffy and sugary his boyfriend’s muzzle was! He was honestly a little reluctant to pull away after a while, looking sheepishly down at his lover. ‘S-so you’re not mad?”
“Mad? Why would I be mad?” Snow smirked, those dimples thickening even further, his cheeks quivering as he spoke. “I mean, I was a little when I started coming too, but I thought it’d be kinda funny to scare you in the end when you finished feeding me. Besides, I’ve been skipping so many meals lately, it feels great to finally feel full for once. Although,” Snow grabbed what he could of his tremendous gut and gave it a good slosh, jostling his boyfriend on top of him. “I could probably go for seconds.” He didn’t regret a single word he said, for seeing the typhlosion’s eyes light up made being a couch-filling blob worth it.
After all, his boyfriend was more important than his training.
Same-day commission for

I hope you all enjoy it~
A gentle breeze blew by, bringing with it cool air on the normally warm day. It was hardly a strong current, not even powerful enough to pluck a leaf from the nearby trees, yet Snow took it into account anyway. He was, after all, preparing to take a very precise shot, and every marksman knows that even the slightest gust can throw off your aim.
The floatzel squared his shoulders and widened his stance, taking a deep breath through his nose and out through his mouth. His eyes narrowed on his targets: paper cut-outs of three different pokemons erected over a fence, complete with target markers over their vitals. With another deep breath, Snow forced himself to block out all distractions; everything from the birds chirping in the air to even the sound of his own breathing. Then, and only then, did he finally muster up the power within him, energy coursing through his veins as he leaned forward.
And spat.
The word spat doesn’t quite do it justice, however. In reality, a powerful jet of water burst through his narrowed lips like a bullet firing out of the barrel of a gun! Snow repeated this action in rapid succession, his neck straining from the recoil with every shot, until his throat was hoarse and his mouth went dry. Panting from the effort, the floatzel removed his glasses and wiped the sweat from his orange brow; how ironic that summoning water through his mouth also brought it along his face as well. After wiping his glasses on his shirt, the floatzel placed them back onto his face, and grimaced.
Many of his shots were quite a ways away from their intended mark, several holes randomly placed around the paper cut outs like Swiss cheese. The only one he did fairly well against was the Ursaring, although that could be partially attributed to the golden circle it had on its chest. It was a fairly easy target, after all. The rest were quite far from their mark, much to the floatzel’s dismay. What was the point in increasing his attack speed if his attacks can’t even hit their targets? With a sigh, Snow moved in to take down the ruined cut-outs, tossing them onto a pile stacked full of used targets, before reaching for more fresh posters to use.
“Are you still training?! You’re gonna work yourself to the bone if you keep this up!”
Snow turned around to find Ace looking at him from the backyard door, the floatzel’s two tail curling around his thigh as he saw how nervous his boyfriend was. While Typhlosions were typically known for their stoicism, Ace wasn’t afraid to let his concern show on his face; even the flaring mane that wrapped around his dark blue neck looked feeble and weak. “Can’t you at least take a break? You’ve been at it since you woke up!”
The floatzel felt his heart swell in his chest, guilty for making his boyfriend worry over him. However, he was determined to see his training all the way through; at least until he could hit his targets with better precision. “I will in just a sec, hun. I just started getting into a good rhythm.”
“After five hours?! Sweetheart, you’re not gonna improve if you over exert yourself like this.” The typhlosion whimpered, his fiery neck crest dying down further into mere embers.
Snow sighed. He knew Ace was right; he could practically feel the exhaustion washing over him as those words sank in, yet he couldn’t will himself to stop now. The perfectionist in him willed him to continue his training, to hit every single target dead on in rapid succession. However, with his boyfriend standing at the door pleading for him to come inside, the floatzel settled on at least trying to hit within the target. “I’ve almost got it, hun, don’t worry! A few more rounds and I should be good to go,” he lied. At this rate, it would take him another hour, at tops, to hit every target close enough to satisfy himself.
Ace, however, was not convinced. The typhlosion knew better than anyone how serious Snow took his training. While he admiring the floatzel’s dedication to his craft, it also concerned him how far the water-type was willing to push his limits. Lately, Snow spent more time outside training than he did inside! Oh, if only he could be alone with the strong otter-like pokemon once again…
“Before you try again, can you at least let me get you some water first? I really don’t want you to get dehydrated; I mean, it’s not a good idea to shoot out more water than you take in, right?” Ace called out, quickly disappearing inside before the floatzel could say anything. Said floatzel raised an eyebrow at the strange act, but decided against acting out on it. If Ace felt better if he drank some water, then he should let him. Besides, his mouth was feeling rather dry now that he thought about it. With that in mind, Snow carefully set up his next three targets (a charizard, tyranitar, and pangoro), and waited.
And waited.
And waited.
“Sheesh, what’s keeping him?” Snow frowned, looking at the doors. By this time, he could have shot down and set up his targets at least three more times! His first thought was that Ace was intentionally keeping him waiting just to get him to stop training, which was, as strange as that sounded, a possibility with the typhlosion. His partner sometimes went through great efforts just to, well, ‘impair’ him from his training. To see him disappear for such a lengthy period put Snow at unease, his mind wandering back to the dastardly pranks pulled previously at his expense.
However, he also knew that Ace cared more about his health than anything, and would never leave him in the sun if he was worried about dehydration. Perhaps the filter was having some sort of issue, or the faucet was clogged. Maybe he should go inside and check on Ace; after all, his boyfriend was more important than his training.
Just as Snow was about to head towards the door, Ace finally popped back outside panting, carrying a platter containing an entire pitcher of lemonade and two empty glasses. “H-hey, sorry that took so long, hun. I... kinda figured you’d like your water with a bit of flavor, you know?” He smiled wearily, setting the platter onto the outside table.
Snow’s tails wagged once he saw that everything was alright, the lemonade looking even more appealing than the water he was promised! He quickly dashed over to pour himself a glass, although he paused to glance at his boyfriend. “Are you alright, Ace? You’re a little out of breath,” the floatzel asked, his nostrils suddenly flaring. Was it the lemonade that was smelling so incredibly sweet? Just how much sweetener did Ace put in it?
The typhlosion took a moment to lean against the house, catching his breath before responding. “Heh, sorry about that. I, uh, opened the cabinet doors a little too quickly and a glass cup fell over and shattered on the floor. I tried sweeping it up as quick as I could, but, well, only one of us is fit, as you can see,” he chuckled, patting his soft middle. “Don’t worry about it though, the mess is totally cleaned up.”
Great, now Snow felt doubly guilty for not checking in on Ace earlier, as well as doubting him in the first place! He stepped forward to wrap up the pokemon in a powerful hug, holding the firey badger close to his strong chest. “I’m sorry for making you deal with that on your own, hun. I promise I’ll go inside soon,” Snow meant what he said this time. What did he do to deserve such a sweet and dependable boyfriend? In fact, sweet was the perfect adjective to describe the typhlosion, who was practically reeking sugar just as his lemonade was. Did Ace accidently spill some sweetener on himself as well?
Ace was all too eager to reciprocate the hug, even patting the floatzel’s broad back. “It’s no problem, silly. Just go enjoy your lemonade and finish up your training. I know how important it is to you.”
“It is, but not as important as you,” Snow winked, patting a little lower than Ace’s back before breaking the hug to pour himself a glass of lemonade. He placed the cup to his lips and drank, quickly guzzling down the beverage until he was left sucking in air. Talk about refreshing; he had no idea he was so thirsty until just now! Sure, the lemonade was a little too sweet for his tastes, and there was an unusual flavor to the lemonade that made it taste a little strange, but it quenched his thirst nonetheless. It wasn’t long before he was pouring himself a second glass, and then a third, gulping the contents again and again. He was well past the point of being quenched, now simply enjoying the lemonade his boyfriend worked so hard to make for him. He was starting to grow a taste for the unusual flavor, the aftertaste in particular reminding him of something along the likes of lemon flavored pie or frosting. How did Ace make this lemonade taste like that? Was that even possible?! Swishing his tails around like a propeller, Snow continued to swig glass after glass, before abandoning the middleman and lifting the entire pitcher to his maw to drink. Only after he drained the entire thing did he lower the container to catch his breath, wiping his muzzle of any remnants. “Jeeze, Ace, how’d you do it?! That was honestly the best thing I’ve ever drank before!” Snow grinned, licking his lips. The after taste was so euphoric, it was making him light headed!
Ace chuckled in response. “Oh, it’s nothing special. Just some sugar and sweeteners, that’s all. You’re just dehydrated is all, I bet you would have guzzled water down if I had brought you that.” With a smirk, Ace reached out to pat the floatzel’s stomach. “Still though, you must have been pretty dang thirsty to drink from the pitcher like that!”
Snow probably wouldn’t have even noticed how much he drank until Ace poked his cream belly, feeling it wobble slightly beneath his touch. The floatzel was surprised he didn’t feel his middle bloating outwards enough to lift up his shirt as he delicately rubbed a paw along the soft surface. “I...guess you’re right,” he murmured, his head still feeling quite fuzzy. Was this a side effect of drinking too much sugar?
Ace saw the opportunity and grabbed his boyfriend’s paw, squeezing it in his own. “Why don’t you take a longer break from training then, sweetheart? You’re starting to look really tired; I told you that’s what happens when you skip breakfast. Let’s go get you something to eat”
“Yeah...that sounds good,” Snow murmured, following Ace inside. That had to be why he was feeling so funny, he hadn’t had anything to eat or drink all day. He really wished he hadn’t drank the lemonade so quickly now; he was feeling quite parched without something to drink. His stomach rumbled as well, as if angry about being neglected this morning. What was he thinking, training for so long without any sustenance? He would fix that prompto, and then go back out to train more as soon as he had something to eat!
With his head in the clouds, Snow allowed Ace to lead him through the house while he was lost in his own thoughts. When he came to, he saw that they weren’t in the kitchen like he was expecting, but the living room. “Go ahead and take a seat on the couch, alright? I’ll even let you kick your feet up on the coffee table just this once.”
Snow didn’t mean to be told twice, his tails twirling with excitement at the opportunity to do the one thing Ace constantly reprimanded him for. The floatzel collapsed onto the couch with a sigh and kicked up his footpaws, groaning with comfort as he sank into the soft fabric. Some part of him cried out in protest, warning him that his boyfriend’s antics were a little fishy, but the larger part of him shrugged it off. Who cares? He was too tired and hungry to really do anything about it anyway! Besides, nothing bad could be happening if he was enjoying himself so much, right?
Fortunately, he didn’t have to stew in his own thoughts for long as the typhlosion soon came back, pushing a literal trolly full of sweets and treats. “Phew, these are heavier than they look! Hope I didn’t keep you, hun.”
But Snow wasn’t listening. Instead, he was staring wide-eyed at the mounds of cookies, cupcakes, donuts, pies, and more before him. Ok, something was definitely fishy, and it certainly wasn’t the cute little fish design drawn on top of the cake with frosting! There was enough food here to fill half a bakery, loaded on just a single trolly! Was this what Ace was doing this entire time?! No wonder he smelt like sugar earlier, the entire room was now overflowing with that sickeningly sweet scent.
No wonder he was already eating from the trolly!
Snow moaned as he brought another cupcake to his lips, greedily eating away at the culinary confection. He had no idea he was still craving for more of whatever was inside that lemonade until just now, when he realized the cupcakes both smelled and tasted just like it! It wasn’t just the cupcakes either, the floatzel delighted to discover the other treats had an almost identical taste, albeit texture! Snow had no idea, and probably never will, how Ace managed to creative such a strange yet scrumptious, delicious yet addicting flavor! Honestly, it really was just like eating the lemonade from earlier!
And, just like the lemonade from earlier, he was so absorbed with consuming it that he didn’t notice his belly growing.
With every gluttonous gulp he took, the floatzel’s belly stretched a little bit further. He was eating at quite the ravenous rate after all, devouring pawfuls of donut holes like they were candy, feeding himself enough food to make anyone’s stomach stuffed and rounded. However, as the food continued piling on in his stomach, it gradually became apparent that his gut wasn’t billowing out with food alone. It was hardly noticeable at first, but soon even Ace could see the rest of the floatzel’s body start to lose definition, those powerful muscles he had spent so much time working on slowly fading away.
He was growing fatter!
“This is bwurrp really good, Ace!” Snow murred, his voice muffled due to his pudding-filled cheeks. Perhaps if his mind wasn’t so muffled and fuzzy, he would have wondered why he never seemed to fill up no matter how much he ate, or better yet, why he was growing more tired even after he more than made up the calories he missed for breakfast. If he wasn’t so tunneled vision on the cart, he would have also asked why his shirt failed to cover his belly anymore, or why said belly was now currently resting on his lap, quivering like a bowl of Jell-O! Nah, his priority was on the food ahead of him, the only questions roaming around his mind being how could he feed himself even faster?
Even Ace was slightly taken aback at just how eager Snow was at destroying his own figure! He watched with gleeful delight as those powerful pecs of his started to round out sag into full on moobs, which rubbed and bounced against each other when the tubby floatzel reached out for more food. Those once-impressive biceps were buried beneath an avalanche of pudge, which now sagged under his arms farther than his muscles ever did on top. Not even that fine, angular jaw of his was safe from his sudden chubbification, thanks to that hanging fold of flesh hanging beneath his muzzle to form a second chin. If Ace didn’t know better, he would have thought the floatzel spent more time sitting on the couch rather than training outside!
And that’s exactly how he liked it.
“Oh, don’t forget to try the cakes! I poured my soul into nailing the frosting!” Ace purred, the flames on his chest suddenly flaring up again. He was quick to grab the cake with both arms, setting it directly onto the floatzel’s stomach, grinning from ear to ear to see it actually balanced on his stomach. To his delight, the pudgy pokemon grabbed and crammed slice after slice into his maw, foregoing the use of any cutlery! Ace was only too happy to replace the empty pile of crumbs on his boyfriend’s growing belly with another cake, and then another, all while chattering excessively.
“You’ve been working so hard, hun, you know that? I know it’s a lot of sugar and carbs, but you really deserve some delicious food! It makes me so happy to see you eat everything I make...well, I made, like, half of what you see. The other half I sorta ordered out, but still! I’m overjoyed that you’re finally, just, letting loose, eating all the food you’ve been depriving yourself all this time.” Ace wasn’t normally such a chatty cathy, and yet he made sure to speak loudly and clearly as he spoke. How else could he cover up the sound of Snow’s clothes tearing?
In fact, the typhlosion nearly gasped mid sentence as he saw his boyfriend’s creamy belly finally surge through the remaining fibers of his shirt, the lard flowing across his belly and then some like a tidal wave. His pants quickly shared the same fate, torn to shreds to make room for his cushion-filling rear, leaving the obese pokemon in his underwear that, Ace thought, was surely at the end of its rope. After all, it was completely smothered by the floatzel’s own rolls! “Oh my Arceus, you’re beautiful.” Ace blushed as those words slipped out, his cheeks flaring a fiery red, before reaching back to grab more food to stuff into his unsuspecting boyfriend.
That blush didn’t fade anytime soon, especially when Ace realized he had to press against the floatzel’s enormous gut just to reach his gaping maw. It was his turn to purr upon realizing Snow now longer bothered using his arms to feed himself, content to sit back and let the typhlosion feed him like a truly lazy fatty complete with half-lidded eyes. Ace was only too happy to oblige the tub of lard, grabbing pawfuls of whatever sugary was in substance to stuff into that chubby maw. “You’re such a handsome blob, you know that?” Ace cooed, slowing down his feedings to squeeze in a grope of that fluffy underbelly. “You must have eaten enough of that special sugar last you a decade at this point. I can see it in your gorgeous eyes, all you want to do is sit and eat. You don’t care how fat and heavy you get, you just want more, more, more!” Ace giggled, stealing a quick kiss from the floatzel’s muzzle. “Well, you’re lucky your boyfriend is such a good caretaker, huh?”
Ace was having way too much fun enabling his gluttonous boyfriend. He couldn’t stop feeding his boyfriend even if he wanted to, just like said boyfriend couldn’t stop eating! They truely did make the perfect pair! The typhlosion was a feeding machine, moving faster and faster just to see the floatzel blob out even further! He kept feeding even as his arms grew heavy from the strain of carrying so much food back and forth, even as he had to step to the side to feed Snow once his belly grew too big to each around head on! His fattening quest fogged up his own mind, leaving him blind to just how more massive each bite was making Snow. At his size, it would be a miracle if the floatzel could so much as stand, let alone move around anymore, and yet Ace kept going, and going, and going,
until there was simply no food left.
Only then did Ace allow himself a chance to catch his breath, the badger-like pokemon panting as he leaned against the furry mattress before him. Talk about ironic that his own drive and passion would end up pushing him past his limits, the very same thing that he warned his boyfriend against. Still, it was quite the thrill, one that Ace would surely love to relive again and again...if he survived that long.
Looking up, the typhlosion’s heart sank to his stomach as he realized the damage his “passion” had wrought. To say that Ace was fat or even obese was a massive understatement at this point; the floatzel was a practical blob! That stomach of his was a Snorlax in of itself, rising up to Snow’s chins despite sagging past the couch onto the floor. Speaking of the couch, the front of it was practically nonexistent beneath the pokemon’s billowing lovehandles, although Ace could make out two beanbag-sized cheeks spilling upwards and outwards from beneath his seat. In fact, upon closer inspection, Ace was shocked to find the couch had actually collapsed from beneath his lover’s rear! Of course, that was bound to happen, considering Snow’s weight was somewhere in the thousands, but to not have heard or seen it break was quite unsettling. Did Snow’s flabby muffle the sound somehow, or was he just not paying attention?
And those arms! Snow had always dreamed of having thick arms, but they were wider than Ace was at this point, and Ace wasn’t exactly svelte even for a typhlosion! They looked like he was wearing pool floaties, a funny image for a pokemon who had a literal lifevest-esque device wrapped around their neck and back, and even that looked as though it had developed rolls! Not surprisngly, his puffy cheeks were, well, puffy, each of them large enough to sag onto his broad shoulders before merging with his tire-sized neck.
But his belly was the main attraction. Everything lead back to his belly: his rear, his arms, his chins, his moobs, they all grew wider and wider until they converged with his middle, the single largest part of his new plus plus sized boyfriend. Just looking at it was like staring at the centerpiece of an art exhibit. Snow was, without a doubt, the fattest pokemon Ace had ever seen before! It was almost a shame the floatzel couldn’t appreciate his own grand size, his eyes still half-lidded and gazing off into the horizon.
With a sigh, The typhlosion clambered onto the mustelid’s doughy middle until he was lying right on top of the crumb-covered summit, wrapping his arms and legs around as much Snow as he could reach. “Man, it’s gonna suck when you finally come to and yell at me for making you huge,” he mumbled, his ears folding back. “Guess I better enjoy it while I can.”
To his surprise, he felt an enormously pudgy paw grasp his own. “Or, you know, we could enjoy it together.”
Ace gasped as he looked up at the floatzel’s pudgy face, staring past those enormous cheeks to see his boyfriend’s attention was now devoted solely on him! “I...uh...w-when did you snap out of the, erh, effects?”
“About ten minutes ago,” Snow snickered, his chins wobbling and rocking with every breath he took. “Must have fed me so much of that ‘special sugar’ of yours that I developed an immunity to it. You know, like how frequent stoners need more and more weed to get the same high?”
“I-is that right?” Ace chuckled as well, although with much less confidence. He was used to playing tricks like this all the time to the floatzel, albeit not one of this magnitude before, but seeing Snow so massively fattened and grinning down on him, while he was laying on top of the floatzel’s waterbed of a belly actually made him a little anxious. It didn’t matter how strong Snow was before; for once, Ace was actually a little intimidated of his boyfriend. “E-erh, you look...really cute with with all this chub, hun.”
“Cute?” Snow raised an eyebrow, furrowing his thick brow. “Boy, I’m adorable. Now come closer and give me a kiss before I roll on top of you!”
Once again, Ace was only too happy to oblige. His lips quickly met with Snow’s, his arms wrapping around that flabby, squishy neck of the floatzels, playing around with the various dimple-faults that coated the pokemon’s face. Man, even Snow’s lips were softed; it was almost like kissing a cupcake, seeing how fluffy and sugary his boyfriend’s muzzle was! He was honestly a little reluctant to pull away after a while, looking sheepishly down at his lover. ‘S-so you’re not mad?”
“Mad? Why would I be mad?” Snow smirked, those dimples thickening even further, his cheeks quivering as he spoke. “I mean, I was a little when I started coming too, but I thought it’d be kinda funny to scare you in the end when you finished feeding me. Besides, I’ve been skipping so many meals lately, it feels great to finally feel full for once. Although,” Snow grabbed what he could of his tremendous gut and gave it a good slosh, jostling his boyfriend on top of him. “I could probably go for seconds.” He didn’t regret a single word he said, for seeing the typhlosion’s eyes light up made being a couch-filling blob worth it.
After all, his boyfriend was more important than his training.
Category Story / Fat Furs
Species Pokemon
Gender Male
Size 120 x 80px
File Size 103.1 kB