Prices are subject to change depending on not only character complexity but backgrounds and clothing added.
Payment accepted via paypal.
All commission pricing on the sheet are considered based pricing.
This is with a simply/no background and a simple character design.
Sketches: Prices for sketches start at $10.00
Additional characters are + $5.00 (again depending on complexity)
Lines: Prices for line works start at $20.00
Additional characters are + $10.00
Flats: Prices for flats start at $30.00
Additional characters are + $15.00
Shaded: Prices for shaded pieces start at $40.00
Additional characters are + $20.00 to 30.00
Backgrounds are additional costs depending on complexity
Chibis: Starting at $10.00
Monochibis: Starting at $7.00 -- I usually have them on sale for roughly $5.
Icons: $5.00
Reference sheets: Starting at $45 (again pricing changes according to character complexity)
The starting reference sheet includes, a single pose, two head shots(sketched) displaying hair, characters color palette.
+$15.00 for the first, +$20.00 for other poses after -additional character displays include: feral, chibi, back view, and side views.
+$5.00 - additional details include: eyes, paws, horns or teeth views.
Stickers are now being offered at $8 each or five for $40.
Category Artwork (Digital) / General Furry Art
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Female
Size 1280 x 848px
File Size 171.2 kB