12 years ago
Miomi Niasou/Amanga sends luffles to all <3!
So I am thinking about livestreaming me doing my mff badge and possibly others. But i dont know if tonight would be best or tomorrow and that is if others want to come see it'll be my first time so yep o.o all the same Divyendu isn't coming to mff that bugger. So... I'll more than likely will drive to chicago all by my lonesome. Anywho let me know what guys think if anyone is interested and what times and such... like I said will be my first and I figure I need to get my fudging badge done probably of miomi and amanga IDK.....
Let me know in the comments
Here is the link though ::
Let me know in the comments
Here is the link though ::

I'd love to watch! =O

lol well when?