do. you draw porn so i can fap my boaner
I draw porn for enrichment. I guess you can fap your boaner as well but it’s not my intention 🙄
guess I’ll post here too but:
we’ve launched an official chill guy store! it’s still in its infancy but check out it’s opening selection and be on the lookout for stuff in the future ✌️
btw, the folks running it are doing a giveaway for a signed print of chill guy (signed by meee). the giveaway’s still live for the next couple days! it ends the 12th 🫡
last time I’ll bump this giveaway… since it ends at midnight TONIGHT‼️
thank you! though I haven’t seen trainspotting. get this guy a freaking towel
Any chance we can see merchandise of Bruce in the future?
not anytime soon, I have mixed feelings about making merchandise of my characters.
the reason why I treat chill guy like bart simpson and put him on everything is because he isn’t a complex character or very personal to me (as im writing this. I kinda do want to draw something serious with him).
not to say he isn’t personal to me now, with all that’s happened, but he doesn’t have any trauma (yet) or lore (yet) like my other characters. he’s just, yknow. funny looking dog that people like, and after the bullshit I went (and am currently going) through, maybe i can make a little dough off him. I dont like thinking of art in the business sense, it ruins it for me, so doing a bit of monetizing of him works out.
when i finally start doing either comic (bruce or melt) maybe I’ll make merch of things then!
Do you think chill dude and this is fine guy go to a monthly therapy meetup for viral hit comic characters
Me and @phillip-bankss go to couples’ therapy with our stinky, viral dog characters every week! We mostly shoot back some shots of fireball and make fun of everyone online.
advertised to me via email...they payin you for this shit? im sorry to say i did buy one for me and for my bro. if u got a tip box id like to throw you some cash for the cause
no, they didn’t pay me or ask for permission to use my art
unrelated.. what am I looking at? maybe I’m a square but aside from it being a lighter holder what’s with the doohickeys sticking out of it
that is a beautiful chill guy! I had a beautiful chill guy appear in the bathroom at my work… but he wasn’t a drawing
i forgot tumblr had a “for you” page and i accidentally swiped onto it and saw someone’s BREASTS
“MCR chillspotted!!”
AND hes wheelchair accessible 😀
guess I’ll post here too but:
we’ve launched an official chill guy store! it’s still in its infancy but check out it’s opening selection and be on the lookout for stuff in the future ✌️
btw, the folks running it are doing a giveaway for a signed print of chill guy (signed by meee). the giveaway’s still live for the next couple days! it ends the 12th 🫡
1. I'm pretty sure I saw that you were the thumbnail artist of a jerma video, thought that was cool
2. Anything preventing someone from making a stamp of chill guy?
1. I did a couple (the meme funeral and the thanksgiving dinner one), i love jerma
2. as long as it’s not for commercial use i say go for it 🙂
(submitted by @dotraz)
it’s fucked up i skimmed this whole video and she doesn’t even hit the pose once in it
I work at a coffee shop and to compete with the Starbucks cup writing we do it too. My one coworker has drawn chill guy so many times she can do it with her eyes closed on muscle memory. There are at least 100 styrofoam cups with chill guy on them floating around the WNY area.
1. I love that. my influence grows
2. I should hire her as my ghost artist
3. that’s fucked up that you have to do stupid shit like that to compete with starbucks. do people really go nuts over writing on cups like that?
they turned chill guy into an anime girl
who is they… you can’t just say scary things on anon and then leave