Finished pencil drawing of Malyck, pictured with a Staedtler 0.3 mm drafting pencil. We see a headshot of Malyck, who grins toward the viewer.ALT
Earlier version of the Malyck pencil drawing.ALT
Initial sketch for the Malyck pencil drawing. Very loose and rough.ALT

Malyck Pencil Sketch

Normally, I tend to only draw rough pencil sketches (more like the third image). I decided to try an A5-sized sketchbook recently, after using the reliable Muji B6 sizes for years. I think the combination of slightly nicer-texture paper, and the larger size from this Stalogy A5, encouraged me to clean this one up a bit more than I usually would. (The Muji B6 paper is very smooth.)

Mechanical pencil used to be my favorite medium, but I’m very out of practice now with doing finished drawings in it. Maybe I’ll try giving it a go more this year.

The date changes above because yesterday, I originally wasn’t going to work on it more past the second image. Then, I decided to today.

Link to post:

With support from ArenaNet.

guild wars 2gw2guildwars2sylvarimalyckpencilpencil drawingpencil sketchfanartlandylachs
Aurelle with a comically-large version of her Rosy Boa pet/familiar, which is her favorite species of snake. The boa has light scales with three orange stripes running along its length.ALT
Initial sketch of the "I love you!" "I'm confused" idea.ALT
Aurelle putting a tiny party hat on a tiny Julius, her Rosy Boa snake friend.ALT

Happy Year of the Snake!

Small painting of Aurelle with a comically-large version of Julius, her Rosy Boa snake familiar.

I find the perpetually-confused expression in Rosy Boas very endearing, which was the original inspiration for this idea, haha.

The second image above is the initial sketch, and the third image shows Julius’s normal size, for scale (it was Julius’s birthday that day).

Random ramblings about Rosy Boas and this painting in the post on the sketchblog, as well as the uncropped painting (I hope to touch it up at some point in the future, as the rest of it looks messy to me):

Link to post:

year of the snakelunar new yearlunar new year 2025aurelleocsnakerosy boalandylachs

Lilly for @/Nightmare3dge on Bluesky - his bloodstone-themed elementalist!

I’m also aiming to start using my sketchblog again this year, and of the 3 posts I’ve added so far in the new year, I added 6 thumbnails to the post for this piece (they’re in 1 image, and it would be messy formatting-wise to post those here in this post, otherwise I would).

Link to post:

My current plan is to try and develop the habit to post art there first, and then to here and Bluesky. There will probably be slightly more art there - mostly smaller or rougher works I feel less confident about (one of the posts is a sketch I probably won’t post anywhere else, and there’s also a fandom sketch I’m unsure whether or when I’ll post elsewhere).

It’s refreshingly satisfying having another place for random longform thoughts that I don’t think fit my page here, because of how often I can go off-topic (there’s a long ramble about Cardassians in the first 2025 post for some reason) (which is related to the sketch I’m unsure whether/when I’ll post elsewhere, haha).

I also spent some time improving the blog’s mobile interface yesterday, which I admittedly had neglected for years - hopefully it should be a smoother browsing experience now. :)

guild wars 2gw2guildwars2gw2 artkritafanartlandylachs
Close-up of a digital portrait painting of “Firstborn Dagonet” from Guild Wars 2. He is a blue-hued sylvari, a humanoid plant species from the game. He has branches with faintly glowing, blue leaves for hair.ALT
Black and white sketch of Dagonet. The sketch is roughly drawn with loose line work.ALT
Color process sketch of Dagonet. The painting has Dagonet’s blue hues added, and is in a rough, unrefined state.ALT
Digital portrait painting of “Firstborn Dagonet” from Guild Wars 2. He is a blue-hued sylvari, a humanoid plant species from the game. He has branches with faintly glowing, blue leaves for hair.ALT

Firstborn Dagonet | Detail + Process

Detail close-up + couple process steps + final of the Dagonet portrait from yesterday. :)

There are a few small things I changed from the sketch, mostly having to do with his expression and mood of his pose. I thought he was looking a little too similar to my Nightmare Court ele character, who I’ve been drawing a lot on the side recently (why are malevolent sylvari so fun to draw?).

I tried to bring some of that “nobility” Dagonet speaks of in the final, though I do miss a bit of that attitude the painting had earlier on. But I can do that as much as I like in my ele’s own paintings. :D

guild wars 2gw2GuildWars2gw2 artsylvarigw2 dagonetgw2 sylvarigw2 firstbornkritafanartlandylachs
Digital portrait painting of “Firstborn Dagonet” from Guild Wars 2. He is a blue-hued sylvari, a humanoid plant species from the game. He has branches with faintly glowing, blue leaves for hair.ALT

Firstborn Dagonet

“A true sylvari should have two hearts: one soft and pliable as hot wax, and the other as hard and impenetrable as an icy diamond. The first, he should show to his companions, the second, to his enemy. Woe to the one for whom the two are the same.”
- Dagonet from Dream and Nightmare, by Ree Soesbee

I finished Janthir Wilds over the weekend! I was not expecting it to end when it did - I was looking forward to the next chapter! I coped by drawing Dagonet.

Seeing him in a more prominent role in JW was a pleasant surprise. The thoughtful manner his scenes are written and voiced reminded me of Trahearne, in some ways. That might be my personal bias, though. :)

guild wars 2gw2GuildWars2gw2 artsylvarigw2 sylvarigw2 dagonetgw2 firstbornkritafanartlandylachsdon't worry i'm still chiseling away at riannoc :)
Digital portrait painting of Cadeyrn from Guild Wars 2, a sylvari with a red-and-green color scheme. He holds the side of his face, a contemplative expression across his features.ALT

Cadeyrn WIP

“I am first!”

One of my longtime favorite characters from the early sylvari lore - his backstory is so beautifully written.

He may or may not still be alive in my ever-sprawling headcanon, haha.

I’ve never been able to draw him to my satisfaction, but that doesn’t stop me from trying!

With support from ArenaNet.

sylvarigw2 artgw2guild wars 2cadeyrnnightmare courtgw2 sylvarifanartlandylachsquote's from the “Dream and Nightmare” lore story from the gw2 blogtwilight arbor did him dirty!but it's okaycadeyrn can always be alive in our hearts
Digital painting of a charr and asura from the Guild Wars 2 video game. The charr holds a rifle across his body, while the asura is perched on his shoulder wielding a jade rifle of her own. Both stand tall and courages, ready for battle, as emerald-colored jadetech magic swirls around them.ALT
Full version of the previously mentioned painting, where we see more of both characters in a landscape view.ALT

Guild Wars 2 - Charr Deadeye & Asura Mechanist

Had the recent pleasure to paint this heroic pair - a charr Deadeye and his asura Mechanist companion. Loved painting these two!

Thanks again to a lovely anonymous person, and I’m so happy the characters’ owners enjoyed how they turned out. :D

This one’s a “Tier 2: Watercolor-style” painting.
Inquiry info on my site here.

With support from ArenaNet.

gw2 charrgw2 asuragw2 artgw2guild wars 2GuildWars2charrasurakritafanartlandylachs
Digital portrait painting of a sylvari necromancer from Guild Wars 2. He is in mid-transformation into “Reaper Shroud,” wielding a large scythe forged from shadows overhead. His hair is made from pale green leaves, an emerald glow emitting from the leaves’ veins in his hair through the seams of his ash-colored bark-skin.ALT

Drawtober Week 2: Shapeshifter

Reaper Shroud counts as shapeshifting, yes?

The original idea had the back half of him more in shadow, blending in with the scythe - to suggest he’s in “mid-transformation.” He became a bit more lit so I could see what I was doing.

If I end up finishing this one, I’d probably add that back in toward the end.

With support from ArenaNet.

guild wars 2gw2drawtobersylvarigw2 necromancergw2 reapergw2 artfanartlandylachswhen i decided to try drawtoberi did not intend to stretch the prompts to apply to my necromancerbut i'll never complain about more excuses to draw him haha
Digital portrait painting of a sylvari necromancer from Guild Wars 2. His forearm is raised with flexed fingers, as he siphons glowing-blue sap-blood from an off-camera sylvari courtier. The necromancer glares into the camera with murderous hunger.ALT

Drawtober 01: Vampire

“Your life for mine.”

Blood magic necromancers qualify as vampires, don’t they?

I wanted to draw my necro snacking on his Nightmare Court counterpart (my druid courtier). I still don’t know if it’s canon, but I’ve always thought of sylvari sap blood as bioluminscent, and the same color as their external glow color - which is why the sanguimancy color here is blue and not red.

Earlier versions of this featured my courtier’s sap-blood more prominently (and why there are residual blue highlights in places, like by his mouth), but it wasn’t reading the way I wanted. The rave-blue was challenging for me to pull off, haha.

I’ll have to attempt it again another time.

With support from ArenaNet.

guild wars 2gw2drawtobersylvarifanartkritalandylachsquote is from the in-game description for the blood magic specializationI really wanted to try drawtober this year!going to keep it to relaxed drawings like this if i do more because i wanted to participate mainly to ... relax hahaand by relaxed i mean this wasn't planned very well and isn't finishedaaand also why i'm posting latebut it was fun to draw :)
An in-progress color portrait drawing of Trahearne and Riannoc from Guild Wars 2. Trahearne rests his hand atop the teal fronds of Riannoc's hair, as Riannoc leans his head gently against Trahearne's chest. Riannoc wears a cheeky, almost mischievous smirk.ALT

Trahearne & Riannoc WIP

Valiant as the shining sun.

This is a tiiiiny crop from a painting I would loooove to finish sometime. I can’t remember what spurred the original impulse to draw this - probably too much random thinking about firstborn, as always!

With the support of ArenaNet.

guild wars 2gw2trahearneriannocsylvariwipfanartlandylachsthe quote is a canon oneby the pale tree in describing riannoci still love his story so muchi'll put a proper description to go along with the full painting when it's finishedwhich will probably be a bit until i can find the timebut i am really looking forward to when i can work on this more
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