Philosophy Stack Exchange. Q&A for those interested in the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence
Philosophy Stack Exchange. Q&A for those interested in the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence
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Michael Hanby, who teaches philosophy of science at Catholic University’s John Paul II Institute, recently gave a powerful lecture in Philadelphia, at the invitation of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese there. It speaks deeply to the reason for the Benedict...
Tweet THE KABALAH It must be confessed that the origin of the Kabalah is lost in the mists of antiquity; no one can demonstrate who was its author, or who were its earliest teachers. Considerable evidence may be adduced to show that its roots pass...
Repent, secular heretic, and embrace the revelation du jour! Over the weekend, Democratic vice-presidential nominee Tim Kaine spoke at a Human Rights Watch event, extolling the virtues of his running mate on LGBTQ rights and dismissing Donald Trump’s...
I mean this in a good way. No, really, I’m serious. If there’s a splendor, a greatness, to philosophy and theory, then it lies in its emptiness. If there’s an emptiness to philosophy, this lies in its utter absence...
by Alan Sokal [part I of this essay can be found here] Let me now pass to a second set of adversaries of the scientific worldview, namely the advocates of pseudoscience. This is of course an enormous area, so let me focus on one socially important...
Internet Infidels » a drop of reason in a pool of...
The Secular Web is owned and operated by Internet Infidels Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization dedicated to promo...
Q&A for people practicing or interested in Buddhist philosophy, teaching, and practice
Q&A for those interested in the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence
Skip to main content Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, ...
philosophy of science - To what extent are observations theory laden? - Philosophy Stack Exchange
I understand the concept of how all observations are theory laden and how it works as a critique of the positivist program. From this link: Theory-ladenness of observation holds that everythin...
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